Sunday, September 29

AMLO releases letter he sent to Joe Biden on Mexico's actions against climate change

From the National Palace, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , announced the content of a letter that he sent to his counterpart from the United States, Joe Biden , on the actions that Mexico commits to against climate change .

In the letter, which is dated October 26, before the COP 26 in Glasgow, Scotland, Andrés Manuel López Obrador commits to Joe Biden to work to prevent global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees.

“Count on us in the transcendent and responsible purpose of preventing global warming from exceeding 1.5 degrees Celsius. It is a commitment that we make on behalf of the people and the Government of Mexico for the good of the planet and of humanity, ”the letter states.

Following the visit to Mexico by the US special envoy for the climate, John Kerry, last October , the Mexican president sent this letter where Mexico also promised to “not extract more than 2 million barrels per day” of oil and to reserve fossil fuels only for “internal consumption.”

Andrés Manuel López Obrador also informed Joe Biden that his Government is modernizing 14 hydroelectric plants to “produce more electricity with the same water flow” and reduce the use of fuel oil and coal, as well as achieve that the 35% of electrical energy comes from renewable sources.

He insisted that Mexico has underway “the most important reforestation program in the world”, called Sowing Life, which invests 1, 300 million dollars so that the peasants plant trees.

He assured that Mexico is “the first country in the world to regulate methane emissions throughout the hydrocarbon sector value chain” and recalled that his Government has not delivered “not a single concession for the exploitation of toxic mining” or hydraulic fracturing.

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