Monday, September 30

Americans Consume “Poisons Cocktail” in Tap Water, New Analysis Finds

EWG señala la presencia de plomo, arsénico, PFAS y otras sustancias en niveles potencialmente peligrosos en el agua potable,
EWG indicates the presence of lead, arsenic, PFAS and other substances at potentially dangerous levels in drinking water,

Photo: Steve Johnson / Pexels

Millions of Americans ingest through tap water a “cocktail” of products potentially dangerous chemicals related to cancer, fertility problems, hormonal disorders and other health damages , according to a new analysis carried out by the Environmental Working Group (EWG).

In the presentation of the tap water database 2021, the EWG points out that “turning on the tap of a glass of water is like pouring a cocktail of chemicals”. This database collects mandatory annual test reports from 2014 to 2019, produced by almost 50, 000 water companies in the 50 states and the District of Columbia.

The EWG indicates that the presence of lead, arsenic, “permanent chemicals” known as PFAS and many other substances are at potentially dangerous levels in drinking water, particularly in low-income and underserved communities, particularly those with larger African-American or Latino populations.

Flint, in the state of Michigan is an example of a city where people who suffer with dirty drinking water.

EWG research finds that people living in areas with the highest level of contaminants in drinking water supplies could n have a greater collective risk of cancer.

The greatest risk from consumption of contaminated water in low-income areas occurs because non-people cannot pay for the filters, bottled water is more expensive and they have no choice but to drink the tap water.

Necessary to replace lead pipes and clean drinking water

Requires replacement of lead pipes and clean drinking water , but according to the EWG, there are insufficient funds for potable water systems that serve smaller communities and communities with larger numbers of African Americans.

Another reason the water contamination problem persists is that the federal water safety standards have not been updated in more than 50 years and the Protection Agency The environment would not be acting quickly to establish new drinking water rules.

EWG notes that significant federal funding is needed to improve water quality drinking water in underserved areas and begin to address the widespread PFAS problem in the United States.

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