Thursday, September 19

AMLO orders the arrest of elements of the National Guard who shot at migrants in Chiapas

Elementos de la Guardia Nacional de México resguarda el avance de la caravana migrante en Chiapas.
Elements of the Mexican National Guard guard the advance of the migrant caravan in Chiapas.

Photo: Juan Manuel Blanco / EFE

Back to his morning lectures, after the long bridge for the Day of the Dead, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , requested to make available to the Public Ministry the elements of the National Guard who fired at a vehicle where migrants were traveling in Chiapas.

these elements of the National Guard of the Public Ministry, “he said.

The Mexican president described as” regrettable “the actions of the elements of the National Guard, which resulted in several wounded and a deceased person of Cuban nationality .

“Yes, they didn’t stop. But (the migrants) did nothing but leave quickly without stopping. In front was the National Guard patrol. They did not shoot, they did not attack, and the National Guard fired. And this should not be done. There are other ways to stop those who are breaking the laws ”, he mentioned.

In days gone by The National Guard of Mexico acknowledged in a statement the death of a person when trying to stop a vehicle where several migrants were traveling.

“Contrary to the instructions, the driver tried to ram the elements of the National Guard, accelerating the vehicle’s march. their integrity, they activated their weapons to stop the vehicle achieving the arrest of its march approximately 50 meters ahead … Four people who were injured, as well as one who did not show vital signs, “said the statement.

And while the president Mexican condemns the actions of the National Guard, the migrant caravan trying to reach the City of M Mexico and the United States, is resting this Wednesday, November 3 in the Central Park of Pijijiapan Chiapas .

It is expected that tomorrow, Thursday, November 4, almost 4, 000 migrants who are mostly Central American, restart their trip of 74 kilometers from Pijijiapan to Tonalá, before a heat of more than 38 degrees.

It may interest you:

· Migrants continue their march from Chiapas to CDMX after breaking the siege of the National Guard

· At the cry of “freedom”, the caravan of migrants broke the military siege and headed for Mexico City

· VIDEO: Migrant caravan seeks to reach H uixtla Chiapas on its third day of march to CDMX and the US