Sunday, October 6

Venezuela would have tried to exchange with the US citizens imprisoned for an ally of Maduro

Un cartel con el rostro de Alex Saab.
A poster with the face of Alex Saab.

Photo: FEDERICO PARRA / AFP / Getty Images

Last year, the Venezuelan government tried, with all discretion, to hand over Americans imprisoned in its territory, by a financier ally of Nicolás Maduro .

The information was released by The Associated Press, which ensures it had contact with people familiar with the proposal .

The offer would have occurred in September 2020 in Mexico City , in a meeting between a collaborator of Nicolás Maduro and Richard Grenell , a man close to then-US President Donald Trump.

Without However, the United States government did not accept the proposal ; Venezuela, in retaliation, once again put behind bars six executives of Citgo , a subsidiary of PDVSA with headquarters in Houston, they were under house arrest.

Grenell said he never discussed “an exchange. It was not something that interested us nor was it a matter of negotiation ever. The purpose of the meeting was clear to all participants in the negotiation. ”

Former Miami legislator, David Rivera, assures that Maduro wanted to get businessman Alex Saab released ; another person corroborated that version.

The agency indicates that there is no clarity on whether the The Trump administration considered Maduro’s offer or not, although the negotiation in the capital of Mexico did take some US officials by surprise.

For their part, the relatives of the Americans imprisoned in Caracas say they are hopeless that the Biden government could find an agreement to free them.

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