Saturday, October 5

The mistake that could keep Hispanics out of the elections in Pennsylvania

Reading, Pennsylvania. (Imagen de Archivo).
Reading, Pennsylvania. (File Image).

Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images

A error in the instructions in Spanish that come with a 17, 000 Ballots sent by mail could exclude some Spanish-speaking voters from a Pennsylvania city, where Hispanics precisely represent about 70% of the population .

This is the general elections that will be held next week , and about which Berks County said that the instructions wrongly state that the ballots had to be returned before 18 November and. However, that date is 17 days after the deadline required by law .

And between Those who received the wrong instructions are those from the city of Reading, who among their 95, 000 inhabitants has the largest percentage of Latino population .

The county sent a new message, and asked Hispanic groups for help in getting the correct information out. However, members of the population think that this is not enough, and ask that more measures be taken , such as accepting votes to date indicating misinformation.

County officials, no However, they rejected the suggestion for not having, they say, legal authority to extend the deadline. The position was backed by the Pennsylvania State Department, which said such a measure would be accepted only if ordered by a court. Attendees at a protest outside the Berks County courthouse said this mistake is the latest in a string of obstacles to voting for the Latino population in the area.

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