Monday, October 7

Halloween 2021: when is it, where is it celebrated and why is it celebrated

La tradición arribó en 1840 a EE.UU., proveniente de Irlanda.
The tradition arrived in 1840 to the US from Ireland.

Photo: Pablo Cuenca / Pexels

The last day of October is approaching, which means that we are a few hours away from celebrating one of the emblematic days in the culture of the United States and that it has been adopted by dozens from countries around the world: Halloween.

Halloween or also known as “Halloween” is celebrated every 31 October, precisely on the eve of the Catholic holiday of All Saints’ Day , which is November 1.

This is a celebration of Anglo-Saxon origin and its name comes from the contraction of “All Hallows’ Eve , which means “Halloween”.

Halloween origin

According to historians, this holiday has about 3, 000 years old. Its roots provie nen of the ancient Celtic pagan festival known as Samhaim, in which It was believed that the dead walked among the living and therefore, they performed ceremonies to be able to communicate with them and thus help them find their way towards eternal rest, thus how it seems to celebrate the harvest season, the end of summer and the start of the Celtic New Year.

Over the years, the holiday began to take away carried out in other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland and France.

Likewise, suits and masks began to be used due to the need to “protect themselves” during these rites, as well as to drive away evil spirits, by adopting appearances of a soul in pain to avoid being harmed or attacked. With the same objective, the houses were also decorated.

Halloween arrival in the USA

In the United States and Canada the tradition came from the hands of the Irish in 1840, who originally celebrated less spectacularly than today.

In 1912, Elizabeth Krebs gave him the character of celebration, costumes and festivity , which we are currently used to. In 1921, the festival became known among teenagers because of a parade occurred in Minnesota, making into something popular.

Between the decades of 1970 and 1980, Halloween was acquiring a universal character thanks to cinema , advertising and television.

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