Friday, September 20

Juan Rivera says that the audit of Jenni Rivera's company is ready and Chiquis Rivera asks that they pray for her and her brothers

Juan Rivera, brother of the late Jenni Rivera offered a statement to the journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante in which he said he was almost certain that the audit that his nephews, Chiquis Rivera and brothers had asked for, was already ready , which he believed had been delivered last week and that so far it seems that nothing relevant had come out. However, he was also seen very sad later in his customary “Live” and even broke down in tears precisely because of the separation that currently exists between his family. On the contrary, Chiquis Rivera posted a story on her Instagram account asking that you please pray for her and her brothers because they have spent a very tense and emotionally charged last few months.

Immediately after that story of Chiquis Rivera, the singer herself published another where she said that both she and her brothers were perfectly well , but that they had experienced a lot in the last times. He did not say exactly what he was referring to, but it can be presumed that it is precisely because of the audit that they would have asked of his mother Jenni Rivera’s companies.

Let us remember that the executor of the same was the sister of La Diva de la Banda was his sister Rosie Rivera . The latter, after her nephews requested the audit, decided to renounce them and was training who would be in charge of everything, the second daughter of Jenni Rivera and sister of Chiquis Rivera , Jacqie Rivera .

Aunt and niece have always gotten along very well and always saw each other on social networks. However, for a while now that stopped happening. For his part, Juan Rivera, who carried all the musical part and rights to some of Jenni’s songs also within the same company told the journalist Gustavo Adolfo Infante that he understood that audits are a normal process within corporations. But he did point out the fact that his nephews, Jenni Rivera’s children, allowed the media and social networks to accuse Rosie Rivera of a “thief” and at the public level. She says that it damages her image: “If people put their hands in the fire, I put the whole body for Rosie. She has always done everything well and this has affected her at the work level. ”

The truth is that neither Chiquis Rivera Nor have his brothers talked about this. Nor have they confirmed that the audit was actually delivered and, above all, the result of it. So it remains to be seen if this is behind closed doors with the Rivera or if the children of the deceased Jenni Rivera make some statements about it.

Keep reading:

Johnny López assures that Rosie Rivera is lying about the audit

Jenni Rivera

Chiquis Rivera confesses with Jomari Goyso and says how he is like his mother, Jenni Rivera and if he plans to be a mother soon