Friday, September 20

Drinking coffee may help reduce the risk of kidney stones

Coffee is a drink that in addition to being a stimulant can have other beneficial effects on health when taken in moderation and without sugar. Recent research has revealed that Daily coffee consumption can help prevent kidney stones.

Kidney stones are hard, stone-like deposits made of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys. The National Institutes of Health note that kidney stones can be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a pea and rarely as large as golf balls.

Drinking a cup to a cup and a half a day can reduce the risk of kidney stones by 40 percent, based on the findings of a study published in the National Kidney Foundation’s (NKF) American Journal of Kidney Diseases.

To assess the association between coffee consumption and a lower risk of kidney stones, the researchers used data from a total of 571, 657 participants with kidney stones from two studies. 395, 044 were included. from the UK Biobank study and 176, 613 participants from another study known as the FinnGen study.

The study takes advantage of genetic variants associated with increased consumption of coffee and caffeine. The recently published study that reaffirms the association between coffee consumption and a lower risk of kidney stones the first study to use genetic variants in the randomized review.

The researchers consider that requires more research on the connection between coffee, caffeine and kidney stones. However, patients and medical professionals should be aware of the results of the study shared by the NKF.

Kidney stones are common. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) indicates that approximately the 11 percent of men and 6 percent of women in the United States have kidney stones at least once during their life.

When the kidney stone can be very small it can pass through the urinary tract on its own, causing little or no pain. But when the kidney stone is larger, it can get stuck and block the flow of urine and cause severe pain or bleeding.

The NIDDKs state that drink enough water is the single most important thing you can do to prevent kidney stones . Unless you have kidney failure, many healthcare professionals recommend that you drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses a day.

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