Monday, October 7

Confirmed: 'Chisme No Like' makes history, from YouTube to central time on Grupo Azteca TV

Javier Ceriani y Elisa Beristain de 'Chisme No Like'.
Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristain from ‘Chisme No Like’.

Photo: Gossip No Like / Courtesy

Although they have not announced it yet, we are in a position to confirm that ‘Chisme No Like’, hosted by Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristain have just signed with Grupo Azteca , and from next Monday, November 1, will be seen in the international signal of that channel . And ‘Selling’?

In an unprecedented event, ‘Gossip No Like ‘makes history in becoming the first YouTube show, which becomes part of the primetime of one of the two most important channels in Mexico in its signal where it is not only seen in that country, but also in most of Latin America.

How did Ceriani and Beristain manage to take this step, being the most feared program by the entertainment industries? Why did Grupo Azteca sign them when they denounced several executives, show and even talent from that chain? Will they stop talking about the competition, or about Univision and Telemundo?

All those questions have answers. Although it is not clear whether the saying applies: ‘if you cannot beat your enemy, join him’, or if we are facing a radical change in one of the chains, with an opening never seen before in a company of this type.

The truth is that, as we were able to confirm, that one of the most important conditions for signing was that no censorship of any kind be exercised . They will have the freedom to speak, investigate, report, interview and reveal the truth of everyone, even those of the chain itself .

Before the news, we contacted Elisa Beristain and Javier Ceriani , who confirmed the information and told us the following:

“More than a program we are a community, the public feels us as family, and we feel them.

Although as they say, everything has already been invented, I think that with ‘Gossip No Like’, we shake up traditional entertainment shows speaking of what they did not dare , because they had become an elite of journalists who with their honorable exceptions, all had their untouchable friends, and we only owe ourselves to the public “, Elisa told us exclusively, while Javier continued with the following .

” For me it is incredible to return to Azteca, I worked on ‘Al Xtremo’ in the 2010, I spent a year in Mexico and I loved it because I managed to live there. I am excited to return in this way, from YouTube, from the affection of the public , on a channel that has the scope of being able to reach all Mexicans in the interior, each city, each town, each state.

‘Gossip No Like’ was born and became strong with the pandemic, with entertaining, denouncing, giving more truth, being honest, without filter, not being afraid to stand up for women, not being afraid to face the powerful, and that made us the chosen ones of the people. This is a unique crossover, for the first time Grupo Azteca imports a program that has an international flavor, but also the flavor of immigrants that we have a lot to contribute to Mexicans, because we are family, we are brothers, it’s wonderful… This gives me hope that there is a change, that they are encouraging themselves to change to the new , they are welcoming the new television, they are saying yes to what people want, to what the audience chooses, yes to viral, to new journalism and that is unique. It is the first television channel that is saying welcome to the future “, concludes Ceriani.

Javier Ceriani and Elisa Beristain define themselves as the compass of the show, they are known as the ‘bomb throwers’ of the show business, whom everyone fears, especially what they have something to hide. And they have also earned the title of #metoo Latino flaggers, as they were the first to denounce sexual harassment in the Latino industry .

What will happen with ‘Ventaneando’? Will they take their place? No, at least for now. P aty Chapoy and his collaborators will continue on their early afternoon schedule, while Elisa and Javier will go at 6 PM .

What will happen to ‘Gossip No Like’ in Youtube? It will continue to be , like every day, just like ‘Live Gossip’ on Estrella TV.



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