Thursday, September 19

Florida to try three minors as adults for the murder of a teenager

Línea de policía.
Police line.

Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images



MIAMI – Three students between 16 and 17 years they were arrested for their alleged involvement in the murder of a young man from 18 years in Miramar, Florida, will be judged as adults, said in a statement Tuesday the Broward County prosecutor’s office, north of Miami.

“The three suspects of the murder of Dwight Grant will be tried as adults . A team of veteran prosecutors examined all available evidence and circumstances before making this decision today, ”said Harold F. Pryor , prosecutor of the aforementioned county, who added that the “formal charges” will be presented to them in the coming weeks.

The defendants, a boy and two girls from Miramar High School, who remain in custody at the Broward Juvenile Justice Department, are Andre Clemens III, from 17 years, Christine Parisienne (17) and Jaslyn Smith (16) .

Apparently the planning and stabbing murder of Dwight Grant

was caused by Clemens’s anger upon learning that his girlfriend, Parisienne, had had sex with the former.

During a conversation with detectives, Parisienne identified herself as Clemens’s girlfriend and Jaslyn’s friend and said that Jaslyn had been angered to learn that she had had sex with Grant, according to local media.

“The murder will happen soon (…) it will be bloody (…) Help me kill him”, are some of the messages that Clemens wrote to Parisienne on last 11 last October.

The victim, who was also a senior at Miramar High School, was reported missing by his family and his body was found Tuesday. last week in bushes near an apartment complex, where he was ambushed and stabbed.

Multiple surveillance videos show footage of the three teenagers walking together shortly before the murder and appear together in the New Park Towers building, where they allegedly executed the murder plan on 17 October.

According to the arrest warrant , Parisienne proposed sex to Grant in a message and lured him to the staircase where Andre and Jaslyn were allegedly waiting for him.

Once there Grant, Clemens stabbed him with a knife in the neck and attacked him with a sword that stabbed him in the chest, Jaslyn told detectives, according to Local Channel 04.

Other video images show Clemens and Jaslyn “carrying what appeared to be a lifeless person out of the stairwell and laying it on the ground,” said one of the detectives.

The teens then used cleaning supplies to try to erase any r evidence or trace of blood.

It was a detective who, following a trace of blood left at the scene of the crime, found the body of Grant in the undergrowth on 19 October.

The three teens, who were arrested last Saturday, face charges of first degree murder, criminal conspiracy and concealment of evidence.

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