Friday, September 20

Cyber ​​attack in Iran causes collapse of all gas stations in the country

La mayoría de iraníes dependen de subsidios para cargar gasolina y el colapso del sistema generó un caos.
Most Iranians depend on subsidies to load gasoline and the collapse of the system created chaos.

Photo: STR / AFP / Getty Images

A cyber attack on Iran’s gas stations caused the government system that handles fuel subsidies to collapse, causing chaos for dozens of drivers seeking to refill.

It should be remembered that in Iran drivers have a card to have access to subsidized gasoline , so those who tried to buy fuel through a card issued by the government received the message “cyberattack 64411 ″.

1- A cyber attack is causing a general shortage of fuel and long lines at bus stations. gasoline from Iran. According to the Iranian average, only the words “Cyberattack 1200” appear on the digital readers of the dispensers.


— Israel Defense (Ñ) 🇮🇱 (@Defensa_Israel) October 24, 2021

After several contradictory versions by the authorities, l to Iranian state television cited sources from the Supreme National Security Council to qualify the stoppage as a “cyber attack”, without giving further details.

Given the situation, the ministry organized an “emergency meeting” to resolve the “technical problem”, but did not offer more information on the reasons for the failure, only emphasized that the internal card system light fuel was interrupted throughout the country.

So far, no group was attributed the attack, which was similar to another oc fought weeks ago, which appeared to directly target the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Several hours later, it was reported that the problem was being repaired manually and launching an “offline” system . Even so, in Tehran, with about 9 million inhabitants, only 15 Gas stations were working in the afternoon, according to agencies.

The incident was occurs weeks before the anniversary of the protests of 2019 , which began with the rise in fuel prices, and were strongly repressed by the Islamist regime.

This is the latest cyberattack against Iranian infrastructure, which has suffered several such attacks in recent years. These include a series of explosions and fires in vital facilities in the country such as the Parchín military base, a petrochemical plant and an electric power plant.

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