Friday, September 20

Lety Calderón boasts with a series of videos that her son Luciano is the best doctor in the world

Completely recovered from kidney surgery, Lety Calderón is very spoiled by her children, in Special by Luciano , who showed that there is no one better than him to take care of his famous mother.

The person in charge of portraying The emotional moment was the actress of ‘Empire of Lies’, who through a series of videos shared on Instagram, showed the care she receives from her eldest son, showing that he is the best doctor she could have.

Regarding the Doctor’s Day that was celebrated in Mexico this 23 of October , Leticia Calderón thanked the health professionals who give everything to save lives; And he took the opportunity to pay homage to them with his son Luciano, who dressed in a white coat and with some instruments supervised that everything was in order with the health of his famous mother.

Thanks to all the doctors for so much study for heal us. Although I with this doctor … ”, it reads at the bottom of the publication composed of four videos in which Luciano appeared as a professional.

Measuring body temperature and blood pressure was like the son of Juan Collado appeared in the first recording, in which he surprised his mother by giving her a somewhat hasty diagnosis.

Continuing with The loving “routine check” from the actress’ bed also looked at ears, nose and mouth to make sure everything is in order. Of course, the young man of 14 also showed off his super complete and personalized briefcase with his name, Dr. Luciano Collado Calderón .

Undoubtedly, the recordings caused a stir, recording more than 61 a thousand “likes” and thousands of messages in which their fans highlighted the great love and complicity reflected by mother and son.

I adore them “,” There is not so much how beautiful “,” What else beautiful that doctor so anyone recovers “,” What an educated and sweet boy “,” What an educated and sweet “,” The most Luciano “,” Too much for that doctor “, they are just some messages that the television star received.

Let’s remember that a few days ago Leticia Calderón shared that, after the surgery he underwent to remove some stones in his kidneys his two children were on the lookout, in especially Luciano , who is very sensitive and attached to her; However, thanks to the fact that he is his family doctor he understands perfectly what is happening to him and what his state of health is.

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