Wednesday, September 18

Majo confesses what is the true relationship he has with his cousin, Ángela Aguilar

In recent years, the famous Aguilar Dynasty has stolen spotlights within the international music industry due to its unquestionable talent for regional Mexican music, so on more than one occasion it has been speculated that some of them would have a strong rivalry for the success of the family.

Currently, the prestigious family is well represented by the voices of Pepe Aguilar and her two children, Angela and Leonardo; Furthermore, Majo Aguilar , daughter of Antonio Aguilar Jr, has also opened a important place within the industry.

In this sense, different media have speculated that Ángela Aguilar and Majo Aguilar no They have the best of relationships since it is suspicious that, despite being family, they have not collaborated together that further boosts their careers.

To end any type of speculation, in an interview with El Heraldo, Majo Aguilar spoke about his true relationship with Ángela Aguilar , her famous cousin who shines in regional Mexican music.

When questioned about the different rumors that arise in the media, the interpreter of “I’m not going to cry”, “It’s okay” and “Red sky” was blunt assuring you that he gets along quite well with the youngest daughter of Pepe Aguilar .

Without hesitating for a second, Majo Aguilar confessed that he wants a lot and admires the path her cousin has achieved. In addition, she assured that she is quite happy for the successes she has achieved in her short career.

In addition, the young woman from 27 years said that neither of them gives importance to the rumors that arise in social networks, so they decide not to talk about them when they coincide in a family event.

Finally, to end any rumors, Majo Aguilar assured that he would love perform a musical tour with her cousin, Ángela Aguilar because she confessed that it would be quite good.