Saturday, September 28

What you need to know about enrolling in Medicare

En Medicare el período de inscripción inicial comienza tres meses antes de cumplir 65 años.
In Medicare, the initial enrollment period begins three months before the end of 65 years.

Photo: Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia

By: Drafting of the Opinion

Blue Shield California announced a new plan with more benefits and covered services for Medicare beneficiaries in Los Angeles County, highlighting the transportation and food benefits that will be available in the 2022.

“We continually work to find ways new to offering unique benefits and services that help all of our members, ”said Lina Saadzoi, vice president and general manager of Medicare at Blue Shield California.

“Our goal is to offer the comprehensive health coverage that all Medicare beneficiaries deserve and need. We strive to create a health system worthy of our family and friends that is sustainably affordable. ”

Some of the services and benefits available will be reduced cost sharing in some counties, home delivery of meals in some plans, as well as the expansion of the transportation benefit for central and northern California, among others.

Important concepts and how to prepare for the period registration.

What are Parts A, Medicare B and C and who qualifies?

Generally, Medicare Parts A, B and C are available for those over 65 years old, younger people with disabilities and those with end-stage renal disease.

Original Medicare has two parts, Part A (insurance hospitable) and Par te B (medical insurance). On the other hand, Part C (Medicare Advantage) is a comprehensive plan offered by private insurance companies like Blue Shield of California. Part C includes Part A and Part B coverage, and usually prescription drug coverage (Part D) as well.

What is the difference between Medicare Advantage (Part C) and Medigap (or Medicare Supplement)?

Although Original Medicare (Parts A and B) covers several health expenses, it does not cover all of them, so there can be significant out-of-pocket costs. It is important to remember that with Original Medicare there is no maximum out-of-pocket limit.

What if I am about to turn 65 years old and I qualify for Medicare?

Your initial enrollment period begins three months prior to meet 65 years, including the month of the birthday, and ends three months later. If you miss the Initial Enrollment Period, you will likely need to enroll during a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) if you qualify, or during the next Annual Enrollment Period (AEP).

Can I choose my own doctor if I join a Blue Shield plan?

By enrolling in one of our plans Medicare Advantage , you will have the opportunity to choose from a wide and diverse network of providers that have a contract with Blue Shield to coordinate and provide services covered to plan members.

Are prescription drugs covered and do you have to pay a cousin?

When you enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan that offers Part D drug coverage, you have pharmacy benefits included in the plan. Depending on the plan, there may or may not be a premium or deductible.

For more information on Medicare options, visit .

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