Sunday, September 22

Rite Aid workers ratify new 3-year employment contract with improved wages and store safety

Los trabajadores de Rite Aid obtuvieron un 10% de incremento salarial.
Rite Aid workers earned a 10% of salary increase.

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Most Rite Aid workers ratified last Thursday night a new 3-year labor contract that ensures better salary increases medical benefits and includes new security measures in stores .

Recently, employees CVS also ratified a similar labor agreement, reached by the Pharmacy Division of the UFCW union 770 .

Rite Aid contract overwhelming Ratified! Listen to these Rite Aid workers as they explain what voting for this contract with better pay, more affordable health care and safer stores means to them.

– UFCW 770 (@UFCW 770) October 17, 2021

The workers of both companies obtained salary increases of almost 10%, retroactive to last July, when the previous contracts ended.

It is the first time in that the workers of both companies who are present in the negotiation of the new labor contracts .

A Health and Safety Committee that includes workers was also established to address the dangers of working in this sector , both related to the pandemic due to coronavirus as well as the recent streak of violence that occurred in stores.

“Rite Aid employees have worked very hard throughout the pandemic, risking our health and that of our family, to ensure that our clients can get the medicines they need. We deserve these improvements, including better pay and better medical security. ” Jakelyn Pérez, an employee of Rite Aid in Los Angeles, said in a UFCW statement 770.

The representation of the almost 13, 000 workers at both pharmacies throughout California was present in the negotiations with the presence of the sections of the UFCW union with the local 5, 80, 550, 648 , 770, 1167, 1428 and 1442.

Close to 2, 600 CVS workers and more than 1, 700 Rite Aid employees belong to the premises 770.

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