Monday, September 30

Rebecca de Alba responds to rumors of romance with Humberto Zurita

Rebecca de Alba y Humberto Zurita.
Rebecca de Alba and Humberto Zurita.

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

After the rumors that emerged a few days ago in which they suggested that Rebecca de Alba and Humberto Zurita They would be premiering romance, the host broke the silence to deny that there is a sentimental relationship with the actor, whom she has known for several years and only friendship unites them.

In an interview with the show program ‘Ventaneando’, the model was surprised by the information that emerged in different social networks, where they pointed out that she had started a courtship with the actor Humberto Zurita, so she took the opportunity to tear down this version, because although both are single, he does not know where this information could have come from, which is totally false.

“It is a site on the internet where he speaks precisely that maybe he and I have romance, but the truth is that no, no we have romance. I think he is a great actor and is very busy with his ‘Queen of the South’, I go about my business, I don’t know, calls my attention where that rumor could have come from, because then no “, he explained.

And she confesses that they are only united by a friendship that began more than three decades ago, when she had an affair with the singer and composer Leonardo de Lozanne , where I also live with the late actress of Argentine origin Christian Bach .

I met him with Christian, does I think 35 years , because we did some work together afterwards. We have a relationship Christian, Humberto and a little when I was with Leonardo (de Lozanne), we agreed Suddenly in Acapulco and then many years passed, because they went to live outside of Mexico ”, he recalled.

Finally, the also actress and current presenter of ‘Master chef Celebrity’, revealed before the same cameras of Tv Azteca that the pandemic interrupted a romance that was just beginning with a man who is totally alien to the artistic medium, however, she would be willing to resume the relationship in case arise again: “ I would like to give myself the opportunity to go out with this Architect “, he added.

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