Sunday, September 22

Immigrant advocates “get tired” of Biden as he breaks promises

La política Permanecer en México impactó a más de 60,000 inmigrantes, según activistas.
The Stay in Mexico policy impacted more than 60, 000 immigrants, according to activists.

Photo: PAUL RATJE / AFP / Getty Images

Immigrant advocacy activists marked a “this far” to the president Joe Good about their immigration policies and they stated that they refused to “be complicit” in those actions that the Democratic Government defends, although they were established by the former president Donald Trump .

President Biden worked closely with civil organizations that defend immigrants to develop a “more humane” agenda to treat non-citizens, but leaders of various groups are disappointed in the policies followed by the Democrat, such as the program “Remain in Mexico” and accelerated expulsion under the Title 42 , both imposed by former President Trump.

Defenders of the southern border asylum and the allies nac Nationals left a meeting with high-level Biden officials in protest at the administration’s plans to reinstate the cruel and inhumane Trump-era ‘Remain in Mexico’ program “The organizations, integrated in the Welcome with Dignity movement, said in a joint statement.

At the working meeting there were representatives of groups in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, who rejected the claims of the Biden Administration “was forced” to reestablish the program also known as MPP (Migrant Protection Protocols) by a court order.

They added that with that policy, since President Biden took office, investigations by human rights defenders have documented more than 6, 300 violent attacks against people expelled to Mexico under e l MPP.

We joined other border defenders to get out of this meeting with the Biden administration after nearly a year of trying to productively engage with them to rebuild a just and humane asylum system, ”said Chelsea Sachau, attorney of the Border Action Team with the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project.

Complicated negotiations

In September, the Biden Administration had to begin negotiations with the Government of Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador to continue with the program Remain in Mexico , which took longer than expected, after the Supreme Court’s decision to maintain the program, but allow a possible suspension through the courts, battle that the Democratic government has not been able to win.

During the High Level Security Dialogue in Mexico , where the Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, attended, some details were discussed on how the program will resume, because without the collaboration of the Mexican Government, Biden cannot move forward with compliance with the court order.

It seems to the activists who defend immigrants that this program does not have to be resumed and they consider as an excuse from the Biden Administration their judicial obligation to resume it.

“Black asylum seekers at the border are vulnerable to the fight against blackness on both sides of the border… They are disproportionately harmed by the racist border policies of the Biden Administration, ”said Nana Gyamfi, executive director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI).

This after thousands of Haitians are expelled from Mexico and the United States, although the latter recognized the release of more than 10, 000 to try to seek some immigration protection.

Experts criticize the MPP and Title 42, the latter because it has allowed the expedited expulsion of immigrants , due to the COVID pandemic – 19.

It should be noted that the reopening of the border to non-essential travel imposes limitations, such as that people prove to be vaccinated.

“We are together with our brothers and sisters who work along the border and we oppose the MPP and the Title 42, ”said Ariana Saludares, co-founder and president of Colores United. “We have seen firsthand the results of these inhumane policies.”