Saturday, September 28

“Drugs beat them”: Ignacio Beristáin attacked the children of Julio César Chávez [Video]

El entrenador mexicano aseguró que los hijos de Julio César Chávez no pudieron emular la carrera de su padre.
The Mexican coach assured that the children of Julio César Chávez could not emulate their father’s career.

Photo: Marcos Domínguez / Imago7

The legendary Mexican coach Ignacio Beristáin exploded against the sons of ex-boxer Julio César Chávez, and classified them as drug addicts and undisciplined.

Beristáin assured that he met Julio César Chávez Jr. already Omar Chávez since they were children: “ both boxed well, but he won the drug, indiscipline too ”, he said.

The sentence was made during an interview on the Youtube Channel “Hay Tiro” , where he also said that Chávez Jr. did not emulate the great trajectory of his father on the ring.

“I did not know anything about him, and the truth is that it is painful but it is better not to remember something and someone who never gave boxing what he should have given him, it is an inheritance that he did not know how to respect, left to him by his father, the greatest fighter who has ever given him. given Mexico to the world ”, to safe.

The coach regretted that the sons of the Mexican boxing legend threw the race to the ground for the bad habits and addictions , which is why Julio César Chávez himself asked them to retire from boxing.

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