Saturday, September 28

Adamari, Cristián De La Fuente and Mariana Seoane send a message to celebrities

Los jueces de 'Así Se Baila'.
The judges of ‘Así Se Baila’.

Photo: Telemundo / Telemundo

We are not even halfway through the competition, and there are already opinions divided on the way the judges of ‘Así Se Baila’ .

At the end of the sixth gala, we spoke with Adamari López, Cristián de la Fuente and Mariana Seoane, who send messages to celebrities , and clarify what they are looking for today from the competition.

To begin with, after the altercation that occurred with the couple made up of David Chocarro and Carolina Laursen , who were not satisfied either with the choreography that the production put them, or with the vote of the judges , the latter speak and surprise , telling us that they are very happy with everyone’s performance and growth.

The great thing that happened is that we have couples who had a good level , the others reached them “, reflects Mariana, to which Cristián adds.

We have seen an evolution in the participants “, Says De La Fuente, referring to the fact that those who seemed that they were not going to reach a high level not only achieved it, but also surpassed themselves. Such the case of Samadhi and Adriano, who usually have sharp criticisms and this time they were one of the couples chosen to win the 80 thousand dollars.

“What we were waiting for is for them to improve, to try harder and harder , and we have seen it. Cristián asked for that thousand percent, and many are giving it ”, says Adamari.

Therefore, the three coincide in sending a message to the famous contestants who do not give up and follow that path of growth, even if they get more and more demanding .



• David Chocarro and Carolina Laursen from ‘Así se Baila’: “We started not enjoying it”

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