Saturday, September 21

Nailea Norvind retracts and denies being bisexual, claims she was misunderstood

The well-known soap opera villain, Nailea Norvind , gave an interview to the cast of program “Hoy” in which she was questioned about the rumors that they assure that she is bisexual, after in a chat with Mara Patricia Castañeda assured not to believe in labels.

During this talk, the actress assured that bisexuality was part of her family for several generations and that, although she had only had male partners, she felt that this sexual preference was within her. Despite this, she said that she did not believe in cataloging people, because she considered that the ideal was to live according to what was needed in life.

Given these statements, the actress revealed to the hosts of “Hoy” that it was misinterpreted and that what she meant is that this condition is within all people . He also assured that it is a historical fact, as well as something that has accompanied the spice since its origin, so cataloging it as such is an error.

He also said that this term has gone through many contexts, but that in the end it is only about freedom and expressing oneself as It is better for the individual.

On the photograph that he uploaded to Instagram in which he is without any garment on, the interpreter of 51 year old assured that he raised it because he considered it a good angle. He also stressed that the angle, the lights and her in the middle of all this seemed to him an expression that deserved to be shared for its beauty, freedom and simplicity.

She confessed that she took the photo herself through her cell phone, that she responded to a moment of leisure and that it responds to the need that artists have had to promote themselves due to the pandemic.

In previous days, Norvind had commented that he was firm regarding the statements he offered about his bisexuality, and assured that, although so far He has not had any relationship with a woman, he does not rule her out for the future.

Without giving importance to the controversy caused by his statements about his sexual orientation, the soap opera villain defended her position tooth and nail during a meeting with the media in the City of M exic.

“I said it very like… it is, Naturally, it is not that I am being someone new or different, nor have I had a relationship with a woman or something, I am saying nothing more than bisexuality, and I repeat it, it is in me, and the answer that they have given makes me laugh the media, that’s right? Long live everything! Long live freedom! Long live your happiness! Long live love! ”

Norvind pointed out that the media seems to have been surprised by his statements, despite being something natural in humans.

“I think that those who have been surprised are the media and they are the ones that should already be in this time of progress, that, forget about the Greeks, since before Greeks, humanity are bisexual, that’s what I mean, not that I’m coming out of any kind of closet, but that I’ve always been a free being and I see potential in everyone. ”