Saturday, September 21

“How much do you want to die of hunger”: Hugo Sánchez is accused of racism

It seems that the legendary Mexican soccer player Hugo Sánchez did not learn from the acts of racism he suffered when he played, Well a pot was uncovered where they accuse him of being a participant in racist comments .

The five-time scoring champion of Spain is accused of having insulted and denigrated Central American players , to whom he spoke of money to humiliate them.

The World Cup player of the El Salvador team of 1982, Ramón Fagoaga commented in a interview with ESPN the mistreatment he suffered from Sánchez.

“Hugo Sánchez is a great player, he is history, he is a great and history is written, I cannot say otherwise; However, Hugo always sinned with his mouth , he always spoke before games. He said we played with a square ball “, said Fagoaga.

Apparently the insults were committed by Sánchez during the Concacaf qualifiers that year , in the matches of Mexico against El Salvador.

“Hugo told me in those matches ‘starving Indian’, told me ‘how much do you earn?’ and things like that, so you have your personality and character ”, highlighted the Salvadoran.

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