Thursday, September 19

Guide to celebrate Halloween without risk of covid

Pirates, princesses, clowns, ghosts, and pumpkins, to prepare because this year public health experts have given the green light to “trick or treat”, since, they say, it is a low-risk outdoor celebration. Of course, there is a precautionary guide to follow to ensure that the only discomfort you may feel is from eating a lot of sweets.

The first recommendation: get vaccinated. It will always add a unique and irreplaceable layer of protection.

“This is a good time to reflect on how important it is to be vaccinated,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. NIH and White House COVID advisor when asked about Halloween in an interview on CNN.

“It’s a degree of extra protection for you and your children, ”added Fauci.

Of course, picking pumpkins at a farm or roaming the neighborhood for candy in small groups is less risky than running in hordes for a crowded haunted mansion.

Although many believe that we do not need to celebrate Halloween because we have been living daily for 18 months the horror film of the COVID pandemic – 19, the truth is that there is a lot of anxiety with this 31 of October, because last year it was practically Forbidden.

Therefore, to take advantage of the green light, and to transform the king into a jester and the jester, into a king. At least for a day.

The following are tips collected from opinions of public health experts on how to handle Halloween this year, with the vaccines, but with the delta variant still circulating strong in the country.

Get vaccinated to scare the virus

Vaccinated people may be less afraid, for That, getting vaccinated is the best way to have a good time, and minimize worry. If a person gets vaccinated now (the week of 12, they will have at least one dose of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine to The halloween night; And if the option is Johnson and Johnson, you will be fully immunized. If you are already eligible by age, family members should get vaccinated.

Fear, but outdoors

The risk of the coronavirus spreading outdoors is lower than indoors. So, weather permitting, it’s worth keeping the party outside for as long as possible. And remind children, especially the youngest ones, to keep a reasonable distance from their friends.

Choose a costume that helps with prevention

For both children and adults, the costume options for Halloween are endless, but this time, the masks, the ninjas, the mummies, the princesses with thick oriental veils, and the bandits of the Wild West with bandanas are more welcome than ever. That is, why not choose a costume that requires a covered mouth or face? People will be protecting themselves from delta while wearing an original or traditional costume.

For those who offer sweets

A good An idea so that there are not many hands in a basket is to organize small bags with candies and chocolates. That way, trick-or-treaters won’t crowd. Organizing a line if there are many children in front of the door is also a good option.

Camping in the yard or garden

If the weather permits, spending the night on the air, telling stories of suspense and fear can be fun, of course depending on the age of the child and his friends. In some parts of the country it may be possible without the risk of freezing cold.

Use gel without fear

Do not forget one of the basic rules of the pandemic: wash your hands well and use disinfectant gel. The children and adults who accompanied them through the neighborhood should do so as soon as they return home.

Other useful tips

These recommendations help children get through Halloween night, and those that follow them, safer:

• Beware of excess sugar. At the end of Halloween, there may be on the table, literally, a mountain of more than 100 sweet. Therefore, it prevents binge eating. Make sure children don’t go trick-or-treating on an empty stomach. Make sure your kids eat a light meal or healthy snack before going out.

• Keep an eye out for adulterated sweets. Always check children’s sweets before allowing them to eat them. Remove any items that are strangely colored or look odd, have punctures, or torn packaging. And they should never eat homemade cookies baked in another house.

• Avoid allergy triggers. Teach children with allergies to be aware of allergens on the ingredient list of any gifts they receive.

• Protect them from foodborne illness. If the party menu includes raw apples or fruits, wash them carefully under running water and scrub with a food brush before serving. Remember that unpasteurized juice or cider, in addition to raw cookie dough, can contain harmful bacteria. Refrigerate all perishable foods until serving time, and do not leave them at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

• Modify the games of catching apples with your mouth. It is a tradition of Halloween parties, but it can expose children not only to coronavirus, but also to other harmful bacteria. Consider alternatives like cutting apples out of craft paper, writing fun activities on them, and putting a paper clip on each one. Children can “fish” an apple with a magnet attached to a string.

Sources: CDC, Connecticut Children’s, HHS.