Thursday, September 19

El Fogón by Hispanic LA: Chile and Latin America in Marco Enríquez-Ominami and a luxury panel

First part of the meeting organized by HispanicL: A: presentation by Marco Enríquez-Ominami
Second part of the meeting, which consists of proposals from the panel and questions from the public.

To comment on the challenges of Latin American integration and migration, in his country and in Latin America, a panel of experts interviewed this week at EL FOGÓN in Hispanic LA to Marco Enriquez-Ominami, founder of the Puebla Group, a political and academic forum made up of representatives of the Ibero-American political left, founded in the city of Puebla, Mexico, on 12 July 2019.

Marco Antonio Enríquez Ominami Gumucio was born in Santiago on 12 June 1973. He is a filmmaker and politician, he was a member of the Socialist Party of Chile between 1990 and 2009. He was a deputy representing the district 10 for the legislative period 2006 – 2010. In the 2009 he ran as a candidate for the presidency of Chile and obtained third place in the preferences with 1. 405. 124 votes equivalent to 20.14% of the total.

In the 2010 he founded the Progressive Party and ran again as a presidential candidate in the 2013, ranking third out of nine candidates, but failed to advance to the second round. In the 2017 he competes for the third consecutive time for the presidency of Chile and is in sixth place among eight candidates.

In August of 2021 he registers his candidacy for the Presidency of Chile. However, the First Electoral Court of the Metropolitan Region ordered its exclusion from the electoral roll. After an intense legal battle and appealing the sentence for considering it unfounded and politically motivated against him, Marco Enrique Ominami is a candidate for the fourth time. The Qualifying Court of Elections revoked the judgment against him on 10 September.

The Hispanic LA panel was made up of Mexican journalist María Luisa Arredondo from LatinoCalifornia .com, Ricardo Corzo Moreno, former director for North America of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry and now a political analyst and contributor to Hispanic LA, Professor Raúl Hinojosa from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) and Leonardo Lorca, a Chilean immigrant in Los Angeles and host of the program Nuestra Voz en Radio Pacifica (KPFK) from Hollywood to Southern California. The panel was moderated by Argentine sociologist Néstor Fantini. He featured Ominami Gabriel Lerner, editor emeritus of Real America News.

The event was organized by Nestor Fantini and Ricardo Corzo Moreno, and produced by Gabriel Lerner. Both Lerner and Fantini are co-editors of and Corzo Moreno is a contributor.

The first part consists of the presentation offered by Ominami. In the second part is the dialogue between Ominami and the members of the panel.