Friday, September 20

McDonald's on track to achieve Zero Emissions by 2050: will they dare to go vegan?

McDonald's asegura que tiene un abastecimiento responsable sus productos alimenticios y está por definir la guía de evolución para llegar a emisiones netas cero.
McDonald’s assures that it has a responsible sourcing of its food products and is about to define the evolution guide to reach net zero emissions.

Photo: Ready Made / Pexels

McDonald’s just committed to achieving zero net emissions for 2050. The “net zero” objective refers to the effective production of zero greenhouse gas emissions, which are the gases responsible for the climate crisis of global warming . The chain has advanced with some measures. Will you eliminate meat entirely from your menu to reach the goal?

According to the International Energy Agency, we must achieve zero net emissions by the year 2050 to give the world the opportunity to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid drastic climate change.

McDonald’s announced that it is joining the United Nations Race to Zero campaign and signing the Science Based Targets (SBTi) Business Ambition initiative for 1.5 ° C campaigns.

“By committing ourselves to zero net through SBTi’s Business Ambition by 1.5 ° C campaign, we are helping all the communities we serve to mitigate the impacts of climate change and adapt for the future , “said Chris Kempczinski, president of McDonald’s.

The most popular hamburger chain famous from The world indicates that it has already started with measures to reduce its emissions and achieved a reduction of 8.5% in absolute emissions of the restaurants and offices from the baseline. With a reduction target of 36% at 2030. McDonald’s reports that it sourced its food products like meat, fish, coffee, soy, palm oil and fiber responsibly.

Will McDonald’s stop selling meat?

hamburguesa de carne McDonalds
Photo: Ready Made / Pexels

McDonald’s has yet to make a specific statement on a new meat action plan to meet its zero emissions goal by 2050. This is relevant because the production of food of animal origin tends to generate higher greenhouse gas emissions than the production of plant-based foods, particularly beef, lamb and goat.

Meat and dairy products account for around 14, 5% of global greenhouse gas emissions , according to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

McDonald’s indicated that it will increase the substantial emission reductions that are already in progress at its restaurants, offices and supply chain. As it will also allow McDonald’s teams around the world to implement pro-industry solutions in renewable energy, regenerative agriculture, circular economy and sustainable packaging. I also indicate that will define a science-based framework for net zero emissions. Once final, these frameworks will guide the future evolution of our existing goals.

McDonald’s in the UK is already advancing its goals of being a leader in vegan fast food

Since McDonald’s, with more than 39, 000 locations in 119 countries, you have already opened the door for teams around the world to take action to reach the net zero goal. In the UK, McDonald’s is betting on vegan fast food to help meet its sustainability goals.

McDonald’s offers its vegan McPlant burger , developed in partnership with Beyond Meat. The McPlant was first tested in some European countries such as Sweden, Denmark and Austria. It is found in some places in the UK and will hit all restaurants in the UK and Ireland next year.

Expected in November McDonald’s UK opens its first net zero restaurant in Shropshire where the new McPlant Burger will be served and will serve as a model to help McDonald’s achieve net zero emissions in its restaurants and offices for 2030.

Other McDonald’s climate actions

In this 2021 McDonald’s announced that it would reduce its drastically reduce plastics in Happy Meal toys. For purposes of 2021, all Happy Meal toys in the world will be made with more renewable, recycled or certified materials.

McDonald’s invests in 6 renewable energy projects . Projects in Texas, Illinois, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Ohio and Louisiana are expected to generate about 3.4 million MWh of renewable energy annually once they are online.

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