Wednesday, September 18

Driving without a license in the United States: what is the risk of being deported if I am an immigrant

Conducir sin licencia siendo inmigrante en Estados Unidos puede afectar la permanencia en el país.
Driving without a license as an immigrant in the United States can affect the permanence in the country.

Photo: Max Böhme / Unsplash

Although it is not a crime associated with this type of sentence, the greatest risk of being deported for driving without a license in the United States is run by undocumented immigrants . Due to their vulnerable status, this sector of the population has less access to identity documents such as a driver’s license and, therefore, they are also more likely to commit this crime, which, in addition to leading to arrest, can lead to prosecution. of deportation.

However, everything will depend on the circumstances. In the country there are al least nine states that allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses despite their status and therefore have laws that protect them: Florida, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Kansas and Oregon. In these states, anyone with a vulnerable immigration status can apply for this document to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) . Therefore, unlike other states, sentences for driving without a license are likely to be less severe if there are no other aggravators, such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, speeding, or causing property damage. private.

Despite the possibilities, most experts recommend Undocumented immigrants will not operate any vehicle until they have been granted the privileges for that purpose in one of the states that allow it. The same recommendation applies to those immigrants with legal presence in the United States who, despite not having a Social Security number, can obtain driver’s licenses in some states that do not require it: California, Colorado, Delaware, Connecticut, New York, Utah, New Mexico, Maryland, Illinois, Vermont, Washington, and Hawaii. Driving without a license in the country is usually a serious crime and, depending on the circumstances, can lead to the loss of residence of those with legal presence.

After obtaining a license in the United States, in addition to driving, an immigrant has the possibility to open bank accounts, apply for loans, have a job or enroll in educational institutions legally . However, it is important to remember that this document does not grant rights, but privileges. In that sense, it is necessary to adhere to the laws to make correct use of it without having to take risks in the future.

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