Monday, October 7

Charly, ex Garibaldi, assures that Ingrid Coronado “is not a good person” and does not want her in his life

Charly, ex Garibaldi, asegura que Ingrid Coronado “no es una buena persona” y no la quiere en su vida

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

Charly López decided to separate from Ingrid Coronado on 2004 due to serious alcoholism problems that he suffered when he began his entrepreneurial stage, and although the relationship ended as an agreement between them, the singer confesses that he does not currently You are interested in to keep in touch with the mother of your child.

During an interview for Michelle’s channel Rubalcaba on YouTube, ‘El Mich TV’, the former member of the group Garibaldi shared some important aspects of his career as a pop singer over the years 80 and 90; but he also spoke about his romantic relationships, one of them the one he had with the television host Ingrid Coronado, with whom he procreated his son Emiliano .

The singer recalled that his problems as a couple began shortly after he became a successful businessman, but on a personal level he did not run with the same luck. Although denies that there has been infidelity , at that time the relationship deteriorated, to the degree of reach a separation .

However, Sergio Mayer’s friend surprised when he confessed that to this day there is no longer any type of relationship ” neither good nor bad ”with his ex and although he prefers not to talk about it, he reiterated that is also not interested in because he is not the person he imagined.

“There is no kind of relationship, nor do I want it. And look, for me to say that, there must be something strong behind. I don’t even want it. It’s not what I thought it was. ”

The distancing is to the point of not even speaking, even though they have a child in common.

“Not at all (they speak). And we don’t have what … my son has 22 years, he already drives himself, he has a truck, that is, there is no topic anymore. ”

The interpreter of “La Ventanita” shared that his son lived with him for a while, but when the host separated from Fernando del Solar , the young man returned to live with her to accompany her, but once again emphasized that “ there is no type of relationship and neither does he want her “.

Charly assured that in due time he will talk about the reasons he had for making such a drastic decision, but for now it is a subject that is not worth talking about because for he is not a nice person.

“When a person is good he is good and when a person is bad … I don’t want her near my life, with that I tell you everything. I don’t want her close to my life. I neither use it nor need it. ”