Wednesday, September 18

5 things you should know about filter jugs

Published on 23 July 2019 | Updated on 15 September 2021

Whether we drink from a plastic bottle or from the kitchen tap, we expect the water to be clean and fresh . But the news headlines about toxic lead and chlorine remind us that our water supply doesn’t always flow fresh from mountain waterfalls. Do we really know if the water we drink is safe?

A study on water contaminants by Consumer Reports and The Guardian found measurable levels lead in nearly all samples from community water systems serving more than 19 millions of people. Lead is a heavy metal that leaks out from the corrosion of household water pipes and plumbing fixtures. It is unsafe at any level. Chlorine is used to kill germs in water systems, but disinfection by-products can also pose a health threat. Chlorine is linked to a higher incidence of cancer, especially in rural and low-income areas.

Filter jugs are not a magic bullet, but many can reduce lead, chlorine and unpleasant tastes and odors.

Jugs are the second preferred type of water filter after filters built into refrigerators . And they are relatively cheap, usually less than $ rate), and easy to use. Simply fill them at the tap and wait for the water to flow through the cartridge.

CR evaluates jugs specifically to determine if they eliminate flavors and odors. We assembled a panel of professional water tasters and feed them water with common compounds so that it smells and tastes like various things: metal, compost, damp soil, a sewage treatment plant, and a swimming pool. Definitely not the kind of drink you want on the tap! Then our tasters rate each pitcher based on how well it removes flavors and odors versus a pure spring water base.

“The ability of the pitchers to remove unpleasant tastes and odors is very varied and some models are not as effective, ”says Richard Handel, project manager who oversees testing of CR’s water filters.

And if a manufacturer claims that their carafe meets the Standards set by NSF International to remove specific contaminants, such as chlorine and lead, we check. In our tests, all models effectively remove chlorine and four models remove lead.

But there are other factors to consider, such as cost, taste, odor and how it flows water through the carafe (clogged?).

For more information, see our water filter buying guide . For details on the jugs’ performance in our tests, CR members can refer to our water filter ratings . The following are five things you should know about filter jugs.

1. Yes, filters can make water taste and smell better

Compounds and chemicals like zinc, chlorine, and hydrogen sulfide can make your water has a metallic taste or sewage odor. In our tests, we evaluated the jugs’ effectiveness in removing contaminants from the water, and created a combined rating for taste and odor reduction. Our tests have found that most models are quite effective in reducing taste and odor. One pitcher, the Pur (shown below), is rated Excellent, and five are rated Very Good. Two low-rated pitchers fail the taste and odor test, with a rating of Poor.

2. It’s important to know what’s in tap water

Even if taste and smell are your main reasons for using a filter jug, it’s a good idea to do your research other possible contaminants in your local water. The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) from your local water supplier will indicate the levels of contaminants, such as heavy metals, pesticides and microbes , which are present.

The pipes in your house or apartment can also affect the quality of the water. If the house was built before lead-free pipes were mandatory in 1986, you should check if the water Contains lead that may be leaking through pipes. There is no safe level of exposure to lead. Even the lowest levels can cause health problems such as hypertension, decreased kidney function, reproductive problems in adults, learning problems, delayed growth, anemia, and hearing problems in children. Your state or local health department may offer free kits that test for a number of contaminants, including lead. You can also collect a sample and send it to a certified laboratory for analysis, which can cost between $ 20 and $ 100.

3. All filter jugs are different

No filter does it all. Some pitchers remove bad-tasting contaminants like chlorine, zinc, and hydrogen sulfide. Others remove lead. If a jug filters lead or other contaminants such as volatile organic compounds, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and hormones, the container must bear a separate certification mark for each. If the water you drink contains serious contaminants, a filter jug ​​may not be enough to mitigate the problem. You may need a more complete filtration system.

4. The cost of replacement filters accumulates

The manufacturer’s instructions will tell you how often to change the filter. Typically it is every two months or 40 gallons, whichever comes first. You will need to follow these guidelines because filters clogged with particles just stop working. Additionally, the activated carbon in filters that trap flavors and odors has a limited ability to absorb them before it stops working. Five jugs in our tests are rated Excellent for clogging (meaning they don’t normally clog), while two models fail terribly due to clogging issues.

If you notice water slowly comes out of your pitcher, the filter is probably clogged and it’s time to replace it. Some filter jugs have a filter life indicator that tells you when it’s time to replace the filter. Among the jars in our tests, the filter cost per year ranges from $ 27 per one with the best clogging score at $ 150 for a pitcher with the worst clogging score due to clogging issues. It is an easy decision. You can compare costs using the features and specifications tab in our ratings .

5. These jugs can take time to filter the water

You might think that all jugs filter the water at the same speed. But it’s not like that. In our tests, the two highest-scoring jugs varied considerably in filter time. A jug, a model of filter as you pour, filtered a quart of water in 1 minute and 15 seconds. The other pitcher took almost 15 minutes. Its manufacturer claims that the longer filtering time is due to its own technology that effectively removes the 99 % Lead.

Flow rate may not be a concern if you tend to fill your pitcher and store it in the refrigerator for later. But if there is a lot of movement in your house and a lot of water is consumed, it is a factor that you must take into account. The Brita brand has achieved the highest score in our flow rate and clogging tests

CR members can compare filter jugs, including their flow rates, in our water filter ratings , and read more about all the options in our water filter buying guide .

What’s in your water?

The water in your house It has a bad taste? Consumer Reports experts Perry Santanachote and James Dickerson explain how to get information on water testing and the best filtration systems.

Consumer Reports is an independent, nonprofit organization that works side by side with consumers to create a fairer, safer, and healthier world. CR does not endorse products or services, and does not accept advertising. Copyright © 2021, Consumer Reports, Inc.

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