Friday, September 20

5 rituals for the new moon of October 2021

The new moons are ideal moments to manifest our desires to the universe because their energy connects with the new beginnings . The one that is about to occur this Wednesday occurs in Libra, an air sign whose characteristics are associated with relationships.

Astrologically, this lunation comes on days when there are communication problems triggered by Mercury retrograde , so the energy of the new moon in Libra helps to improve relationships and start over .

In that sense, we present 5 October new moon rituals if you wish is to meet someone, recover a person, strengthen the relationship or have more harmony , according to Astrology Answers review.

1. New moon ritual to find love

This new moon spell is ideal if you are single and looking to have a love relationship. You only need a red or pink candle .

Anoint the candle with essential oil of love, such as lavender or jasmine, and engrave your name on the body of the candle. Light it with a match and hold it with both hands while looking at the flame. Visualize that love comes and you will be happy. Let the candle burn out completely.

2. New moon ritual to recover an ex

If you are looking to recover the love of a person this is the ritual indicated. To carry it out you need a glass jar, honey, two strips of paper and a pen .

Write down the name of your ex nine times and write the tuto on the other strip the same number of times. Put the two strips together with the names facing each other and fold them. Put the folded papers in the jar and pour honey on top until they are completely submerged. Imagine that you are both happy.

3. New moon ritual to strengthen love

This spell is ideal for couples who want to harmonize their relationship. P for this you need a red or pink candle and a photo of the two of them where they look happy .

Record both names on the body of the candle and place it over the image. Light it with a match while visualizing that you are both happy and healthy.

4. New moon ritual to harmonize any relationship

This ritual is used when you want to create peace and harmony in any friendship, family, romantic or professional relationship. You will occupy a white candle, a black one and a blue one, something that represents that person (an object or photo) and any essential oil .

Smear the candles with the oil, then light the black candle first, then the white one and finally the blue one. Let them burn for a few minutes and extinguish them with your finger. You will need to wear a few minutes a day from the new moon to harmonize the relationship.

5. Ritual to attract a new person

It does not matter if they are new friends or clients. You will need a quartz, preferably white . Clean it energetically by leaving it in the light of the sun and the moon for a whole day or immerse it in water with sea salt for 24 hours.

Then, hold it firmly with your dominant hand and say out loud the type of person or people you want to attract. Place the glass under your pillow when sleeping and keep it in your pocket during the day.

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