Saturday, September 21

When will the House vote on the bipartisan infrastructure bill

El plan bipartidista ha solicitado al Congreso que invierta $105,000 millones de dólares en el transporte público y en el ferrocarril de pasajeros.
The bipartisan plan has asked Congress to invest $ 80, 000 millions of dollars in public transportation and passenger rail.

Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP / Getty Images

After a recess in the House of Representatives to approve a pension spending law to finance the government until December 3, still does not exist date defined to carry out a new vote and continue the agreement of the infrastructure package that contemplates $ 1.2 billion dollars .

Last spring, President Joe Biden had proposed two laws , the American Employment Plan and the American Families Plan, which together with the American Rescue Plan form its economic program.

After knowing the details the Republicans said that were only interested in negotiating a traditional infrastructure bill .

Will the bill pass?

Although the bill has received support from both parties, there are many reasons that have prevented its approval . Mainly opposition from progressive Democrats, who were promised that the vote on the infrastructure package would be tied to an additional vote on the $ 3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

This decision to link the fate of the bills was made after the $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure package left off many of the popular aspects of the president’s agenda . This decision to link the fate of the bills was made after the $ 1.2 trillion infrastructure package will leave out many of the popular aspects of President Biden’s agenda.

Related: Infrastructure Plan: four ways in which it will generate more employment and can benefit your pocket

What does the bipartisan bill contain?

A summary of the bill passed by the Senate , includes the following assignments:

    $ 110, 06 million dollars for roads and bridges

  • $ 39, 000 million dollars for public transportation .
  • $ 66, 000 million dollars for the passenger rail and of goods .
  • $ 7, 500 million for electric vehicle charging stations .

  • $ 5, 000 million for electric and hybrid school buses.
  • $ 42, 000 millions to reduce congestion in ports and airports.
  • $ 55, 000 millions of dollars for water and wastewater infrastructures .
  • $ 65, 000 millions to expand access to broadband.
  • $ 21, 000 millions of dollars to clean up superports and plug outdated gas wells.
  • $ 73, million dollars to modernize the national grid and introduce more renewable energies.
  • In addition to investments In traditional infrastructures, these plans include:

    • An extension of the current structure of the child tax credit until 2025.
    • Billions in funds to build more weather-resistant infrastructure.
    • Establishing a universal Pre-K program,
    • a federal family leave program paid between other programs.
    • Until now There is no new date for Congress to resume voting on the bipartisan infrastructure bill until it passes a robust reconciliation bill.