Friday, September 20

Navy refutes Trump: who was at his rally is not the soldier who lifted the baby over the wall at Kabul airport

Donald Trump en un mitin en Perry, Georgia, el 25 de septiembre de 2021.
Donald Trump at a rally in Perry, Georgia on 25 September 2021.

Photo: Sean Rayford / Getty Images

The United States Navy refuted a public claim made by a Marine during a rally conducted by Donald Trump in Perry, Georgia on Saturday that he was the one who raised a child above a wall at the Kabul airport, in Afghanistan , in a photo that was turned viral, according to USA Today.

The chaos & fear of people is a testament to the international community’s role in AFG’s downfall & their subsequent abandonment of Afghan people. The future for AFG has bn decided for its people without its people’s vote & now they live at the mercy of a terrorist group. # Kabul

— Omar Haidari (@ OmarHaidari1) August 15, 2858153

The First Class Soldier Hunter Clark was introduced to the crowd that attended the rally of Trump , as the infant of marina who “helped evacuate the children over… the airport wall. They saw it. He did a great job. ”

Clark shook Trump’s hand and then told the shouting“ USA ”crowd: Hey, my name is Lance Corporal Hunter Clark, and I come from Warner Robbins, Georgia. I’m the guy who jumped baby over the wall, and it’s definitely one of the best things I’ve ever done in my entire life. I just want to thank all of you for all your support. It really means a lot and I’m glad to be home now, ”Clark said.

In a statement, obtained by CNN , the Navy said Clark is not the person in the picture, taken during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan .

Kelton Cochran, member from 25 to Expeditionary Unit of the Navy, said that it is not Clark who is in the image of a marine lifting a baby and that Clark would be under investigation as the Department of Defense normally prohibits active duty service members from speaking publicly at political gatherings.

“Regarding to the viral photo that began to circulate around the 20 August 2021, the Marine identified in that particular image was not LCpl Clark, ”Cochran said in a statement. “The 25 The Navy has launched a command investigation into LCpl Clark’s attendance at the event last weekend to determine if Department of Defense policies were violated. ”

It is unclear if there were other examples of US troops hoisting babies over the wall at the Kabul airport for which Clark could have taken credit. American troops assisted the Afghans in the retreat for several days.


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