Saturday, September 21

Jaime Camil assures that playing Vicente Fernández is the greatest challenge in his entire career

Jaime Camil dice que interpretar a Vicente Fernández es
Jaime Camil says that playing Vicente Fernández is “the biggest challenge in his entire career.”

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

A few weeks ago it was confirmed that the Vicente Fernández series that will be called “El Rey”, will be a Netflix and Caracol production Television , so after the start of the recordings, the past 30 September Jaime Camil confirmed that he is the one who will play the “Charro de Huentitán” .

Through his social networks, the film, theater and television actor shared l he first images in which he looks characterized as the great idol of Mexican music, where he appears carrying a charro hat and with the characteristic mustache.

Also, through a statement shared the first impressions of his new project, where he assured that interpret Vicente Fernández is, without a doubt, the greatest and most important challenge that has been presented to him in his entire career.

“In my opinion, ” Chente “is the greatest idol of Mexico and the most monumental exponent of Mexican music in the world. Putting aside the very great responsibility and exaltation of interpreting it in the only way that it has to be done , that is: With a deep and capital respect and a meticulous histrionic preparation (biographical, personal and above all emotional), personally, interpreting Vicente causes me a special emotional charge . A deep friendship and affection unites me with his family (mainly his sons Alejandro, Vicente and Gerardo), which increases the commitment that I have to do my best to give them a Vicente that their loved ones and fans around the world are proud of ”, reads the text.

The actor who has starred in important telenovelas, Mexican and Hollywood films, shares that he has had the opportunity to know the life of the interpreter since its inception, the challenges, as well as the difficult path he had to go through to become the great figure of music that we all know today: “ makes me respect his tenacity more and has generated a very strong empathy and emotional connection with him, he has become difficult to hold back tears when reading the scripts, knowing all its history and its unforgettable songs “.

Jaime Camil t He is also aware of the great cultural and social impact that Vicente Fernández has, so giving life to a character like him is a great opportunity in his career.

“It is the symbol that represents Mexico and ranchera music throughout the world. The honor and privilege of being able to interpret it is priceless. ”

And he said he was willing to use all his professional tools to do a great job, in which he is sheltered by endearing libretti, the production of Harold Sánchez as well as the Fernández family, who have advised him in his preparation.

Of course, I could not fail to mention the talent and creativity of the Caracol Televisión and Netflix production whose label has become their great accompaniment.

“No one can ever be, equal or replicate the great Vicente Fernández. We hope that the millions of fans of El Charro De Huentitán, El Rey De La Música Ranchera, El Ídolo De México… have a good taste in their mouths ”.

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