Friday, September 20

“He will have to give an account in hell”: Frida Sofía's uncle attacks Enrique Guzmán

Tío de Frida Sofía arremete en contra de Enrique Guzmán.
Frida Sofía’s uncle attacks Enrique Guzmán.

Photo: Mezcalent / Mezcalent

After the comment of Enrique Guzmán in which he assured that the death of Natasha Moctezuma was the Karma of Frida Sofía , Pedro Moctezuma came to the defense of his niece , making strong signals against Alejandra Guzmán’s father .

During the press presentation of a program that is about to premiere, Pedro Moctezuma attacked Enrique Guzmán , who a few weeks ago replied that Natasha Moctezuma’s death was part of the karma that her granddaughter Frida Sofía is paying for the complaint she filed against her for sexual abuse.

“It is a very delicate subject, I am not interested in talking about that man. The man is a guy who is really sick and is a guy, for me, of the lowest scum that exists. ”

But the series of accusations that were presented in the program ‘Hoy’ continued and ended up questioning the mental health of Silvia Pinal’s ex-husband, pointing him out as a man who makes inappropriate comments, with which he always manages to hurt people.

“He’s a man who needs professional help, he’s an unpleasant guy, that’s all I can say, a deplorable guy for his comments. I don’t want to talk about it because I’m going to get in a very bad mood and I don’t want to. ”

Until now no member of the Moctezuma dynasty had given a statement in this regard, however, Pablo Moctezuma’s brother confirmed that his niece Frida Sofía is well after the death of her sister , in addition to the unfortunate event that has allowed them to be very close as a family.

And although he assured that it is a topic that he preferred to avoid, he ended up giving the singer one last stab saying that he will have to be held accountable … but in hell!

He has a heart, that kind of thing is very painful. The truth is that there he will have to give an account, sir, there in hell. ”

One month after the death of Natasha Moctezuma , his father, businessman Pablo Moctezuma shared an emotional message.

Do not have words to be able to explain to you how much I need you. The pride of being your father is my greatest and most valuable gift, n or is there a minute that I don’t think about you and miss you “, was part of the text that they released during the same morning.

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