Wednesday, October 9

In October 6 retrograde planets occur: how they will affect you

Los planetas retrógrados de octubre afectan en distintas áreas de la vida.
The retrograde planets of October affect different areas of life.

Photo: Greg Rakozy / Unsplash

A total of 6 retrograde planets define the astrological weather of October , energies that as a whole will cause emotional uncertainty as a result of past situations that could be present now, as predicted by astrologers.

The planet that since then stands out is Mercury, the most famous of the retrogrades , but it will not be the only one. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will also do the same . However, there is nothing to be alarmed about.

Astrologer Lisa Stardust wrote on that It is possible to use this energy correctly to overcome all the retrograde of October.


Mercury’s retrograde period began last 27 September and will end on 18 October. These are intense moments that force us to reflect on the role we play in friendship, couple, family and work relationships.

As in the sign of Libra the question is to ask ourselves if there is balance and peace in us and if we fit into that social circle. The mission is to find a way to express ourselves clearly. As in all retrograde Mercuries, there could be setbacks and unforeseen events, so we must go with caution and double-check any information that comes to our hands.


The planet of fortune started its retrograde process on 20 of June and this period will end the same as Mercury, that is, on 18 October. Although it is a transit that does not concern astrologers so much, it is important to understand that the benefits of Jupiter are not to the maximum. The energies of this retrograde make us more critical, aggressive and judicious.


The ringed planet has been retrograde since 23 May and will remain so until 10 October. Its energy is authoritative, but when in retrograde , it is an ideal time to be flexible and make changes, mainly in our professional aspirations.

Also, this vibe can be used to let people go that are not alienated with our purposes and get closer to those who are in tune.


The Uranus retrogrades are among the longest. Started on 19 August and will end until 18 January 2022 . Its effects are felt mainly in financial and heart matters.

In this process we reassess what our future goals are and we could feel that we are on a roller coaster of emotions. It is important to think about what we spend and how we spend.


Turned retrograde on 25 of June and will cease to be until 1 d in December. Until then, it causes us to reflect on our innermost desires and dreams. Being the planet of intuition, this sixth sense may be imprecise, which could make us a little anxious about new situations and people that come into our lives.


The smallest of the System Solar began its retrograde on 27 April and will end on October 6 . It is a transit that serves as spiritual healing and allows us to evolve. Pluto calls to review the areas of life that need a change and when it is retrograde, it gives us the strength to start again.

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