Friday, September 20

Speeding in the United States: which are the states with the most expensive fines

En Estados Unidos, el exceso de velocidad suele ser uno de los delitos más penados.
In the United States, speeding is usually one of the most punished crimes.

Photo: Esa Niemelä / Pixabay

In the United States, there are speed limits that vary according to the zones, in that sense, speeding has become one of the most common infractions because it is not always associated with premeditation, it can also be caused by simple carelessness. However, carelessness does not prevent it from being one of the most punishable crimes, since speeding – often related to reckless driving – puts the driver and the occupants of a car at risk, but also other people around. When it is premeditated, the consequences of this bad habit can also be associated with material damage to private or public property and, according to their severity, the penalties can be much more significant than the payment of a fine, which may imply the suspension or revocation of the driver’s license or time in prison.

As each state has its own laws, fines and penalties related to speeding are usually different in each state. According to, GoBankingRates , There are some places in the United States where the difference can be much greater, registering figures that can wreak great havoc on anyone’s annual budget:

1. Nevada: $ 1, 000

2. Alaska: $ 300

3. Mississippi: $ 300

Four. New York: $ 300

5. Arizona: $ 250

6. New Hampshire: $ 248

7. Texas: $ 229

8. Florida: $ 229

9. Rhode Island: $ 225

11. Hawaii: $ 200

Of the entire list, the amount of the fine for speeding in Nevada stands out as the highest, reaching three times that registered in other states . According to this ranking, the two states with the lowest fines associated with this crime are Oklahoma and Alabama, where the amount is set at $ 18.

In states where the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) point system exists, speeding is usually one of the crimes that adds the most points to the offender’s driving record , thus representing a sanction that goes beyond the payment of the fine. In addition, it tends to remain for a long time in the drivers’ record and can be detrimental in work contexts or in everything related to auto insurance. When people are repeat offenders and commit this offense over and over again, it is very likely that the amount of the fine will increase at every opportunity, reaching astronomical figures that can become really difficult to pay.

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