Friday, September 20

President Magistrate of Zacatecas assumed office with a Cruz Azul tie

La nueva autoridad demostró que es hincha de la Máquina Celeste.
The new authority showed that he is a fan of the Celestial Machine.

Photo: Eloisa Sánchez / Imago7

Justice in the Mexican city of Zacatecas is sky blue , since the Presiding Magistrate of the locality assumed his functions demonstrating that he is a true fanatic of the Blue Cross.

The lawyer José Ángel Yuen Reyes assumed the highest position of the Electoral Court of Justice of the State of Zacatecas and to celebrate it he did not think twice to put on a blue suit, blue shirt and a blue tie with the shield of the champion of the Liga MX.

🔴In compliance with the Organic Law of Trijez, the magistrates who of this electoral court elected this Friday, unanimously, José Ángel Yuen Reyes as the new presiding magistrate # Ecodiario # Zacatecas

– Ecodiario Zacatecas (@Ecodiariozac) September , 2021

Through its social networks, the state body published a photograph of Yuen Reyes as the new Presiding Magistrate demonstrating his fondness for the Celeste Machine .

“In compliance with the Organic Law of the Electoral Court of Justice of the State of Zacatecas (TRIJEZ), The magistrates and magistrates who are members of this electoral jurisdictional body unanimously elected José Ángel Yuen Reyes as the new presiding magistrate ”, published the justice body .

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