Friday, September 20

Mexican authorities dictate preventive detention to those responsible for the explosion in Salamanca



A judge on Tuesday issued preventive detention for the two people who were detained as allegedly responsible for having exploded a bomb that killed two people in the municipality of Salamanca, in the Mexican state of Guanajuato, in the center of the country.

“A judge resolved his connection to a process with a precautionary measure in jail on charges of qualified homicide and qualified homicide in the degree of tentative “, the State Attorney General’s Office reported this Tuesday through a statement.

Last Sunday 19 September, shortly after 19. 00 hours, two subjects on a motorcycle delivered a package wrapped as a gift to the owner of the restaurant “Barra 1604 ” , Mauricio Salvador Romero Morales, who received him accompanied by Mario Al berto Hernández Cárdenas, site manager.

When opening the supposed gift, it exploded, killing both and injuring five people , including those responsible for delivering the package, who are dedicated to making deliveries by motorcycle.

Currently, Three of the injured are still hospitalized , according to the Office of the Prosecutor.

Georgina “N”. and Eduardo “N” . were arrested on 23 September as allegedly responsible for the bombing .

When reporting his arrest, the Guanajuato prosecutor , Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre, explained that the attack was due to the fact that both established a business relationship with Mauricio Salvador to open the restaurant where the attack occurred.

However, in the end, Mauricio left them out of business despite having received a millionaire sum from Georgina and Eduardo , although the amount has not been revealed.

“We know from the testimonies that a millionaire amount of money was contributed and that at the end of this agreement there was no society as such since it was not included in the start of this business, “said the prosecutor in the press conference he offered that day.

This Tuesday a judge of criminal orality of the Judicial Branch of Guanajuato determined that there were sufficient elements to bind those detained for the crimes of aggravated homicide and attempted homicide to the trial.

In addition, it issued as a precautionary measure informal preventive detention and three months for the Prosecutor’s Office to complete its investigation , which will end on 29 from December.

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