Friday, September 20

Maki is sincere and clarifies that she is looking for love just like Juan Soler did

Maki , actor’s ex-wife Juan Soler , reveals that for the moment does not have a partner and avoided talking about the sentimental relationship that began recently the father of his daughters.

In addition to ensuring that he has needed therapy to overcome his divorce, Maki Moguilevsky spoke to various media about the possibility of giving himself a new opportunity in love, where he assured that for the moment is not a priority in his life , because he prefers to give all the attention to his two daughters, Mía y Azul.

“No, for now I’m kind of focused on my daughters, who are teenagers, on reestablishing myself here in Mexico, don’t you want me to, even though it’s been a year, between the pandemic and everything that has happened, that stopped me a little bit. ”

She also confesses that for now she is also motivated to resume her working life, so she does not intend to accept any man.

“I have a clothing line, so I’m kind of very focused on myself, I’m not looking for or dating with the first one who speaks to me, like I’m giving my time to myself ”.

While during an interview for the program ‘Hoy’ he revealed that if he has dated two or three people, But for the moment he prefers to focus entirely on his daughters and that the man who comes to complement his life will have to meet certain requirements.

“I am not going to be with just anyone, I am very selective and if a person who fascinates me and enchants me does not appear, I will not go to be dating to leave. First that he loves me a lot, I love gentlemen, educated, funny men, companions and good people. ”

As for to the confession that Juan Soler made last weekend during the Imagen Televisión program, ‘The Minute That Changed My Destiny’, about the relationship that began recently time with what was his first girlfriend from Argentina , the actress evaded the subject and assured that she does not intend to talk about it, but respects the decision of the father of her daughters.

“I’m not going to talk about that. Whatever he has with his life, I respect him. May everyone be as happy as possible. ”

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