Sunday, September 22

Driver's license in the United States: how to drive in the country as a tourist

En Estados Unidos, los turistas pueden conducir con un permiso internacional.
In the United States, tourists can drive with an international license.

Photo: Jan Vašek / Pixabay

In the United States, tourists can make use of an International Driving Permit (IDP) to operate or rent a vehicle as soon as they arrive to US territory , hence it has become a requirement demanded by car rental agencies to process applications in these cases. This type of permit is issued in the country of origin and for it to be valid it must be accompanied by a valid license in that country. The United States only issues it for its citizens who plan to travel and drive abroad.

Although many visitors consider the IDP as an international driver’s license, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) assures that such meaning is wrong . IDPs are certified translations of the foreign driver’s license, so they cannot be valid on their own. On the other hand, there is the range of eligibility to use this type of document, which is limited exclusively to foreign visitors who will have a brief stay in the country and does not apply to immigrants who already reside in the United States, are undocumented or no. For the latter there are other procedures that differ considerably, depending on the laws of the state where you reside, since not all states grant them .

As will happen with standard licenses that do not have Real ID from 2023, International driving licenses cannot be considered as a form of identification . In this sense, in addition to the valid driver’s license in the country of origin, it will be necessary for the foreign driver to carry his valid passport with him to prove his identity if necessary. It is very important, in addition, full knowledge of the traffic laws in the state you visit. The DMV recommends foreign visitors planning to drive download the driver’s manual for their location and study it calmly before operating a car. It is common that ignorance or simple carelessness can be sufficient causes to violate the laws.

Although the United States does not issue international driving licenses to foreign visitors, There are states in the country that grant driver’s licenses specially designed for this group , such as Florida. In this case, it is also advisable to study this option well before making any trip.

You may also be interested in: Driver’s license for immigrants: what are the advantages to have one in the United States