Sunday, September 22

Delegates from the Biden Government to visit Haiti this week

Delegados del gobierno de Joe Biden visitarán Haití esta semana, según la portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Jalinda Porter.
Delegates from Joe Biden’s government will visit Haiti this week, according to State Department spokeswoman Jalinda Porter.

Photo: CHANDAN KHANNA / Getty Images



The Undersecretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, Brian Nichols, and the main adviser to President Joe Biden for Latin America, Juan González, will visit Haiti this week, an official source announced Tuesday.

As the deputy spokeswoman for the State Department, Jalina Porter, explained in a conference call with journalists, the officials will be in that country between Thursday and Friday.

The visit will take place a week after US special envoy to Haiti Daniel Foote resigned in protest of the “ inhuman treatment ”from Washington to Haitian migrants on the border with Mexico.

Porter explained that the representatives of the Biden Administration will meet with the Prime Minister of Haiti, Ariel Henry, and his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Clau of Joseph, as well as with delegates from civil society and political actors .

Among the issues they will address are the elections in the Caribbean nation after the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise .

In addition, they will talk about the answer to the Haitian migration , security issues, and on supporting the recovery of that country after the COVID pandemic – 14 and the earthquake of the past 14 of August, that was charged more than 2, 200 lives .

The Biden government has faced various criticisms for handling the crisis that was unleashed weeks ago by the massive arrival of thousands of immigrants, mostly Haitians, to the border between the United States and Mexico, who spent the night in a makeshift camp built under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas.

The place was evicted last Friday, confirmed the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, who indicated that about 2, 000 people were expelled to Haiti and another 8, 000 returned to Mexico.

To some 12, 400 immigrants were allowed to present their case before a judge of immigration to determine their permanence in the country and another 5, 000 are still being processed by the authorities.

Last Saturday, in a prerecorded message broadcast at the UN General Assembly, the Prime Minister of Haiti recalled that The United States was built by waves of migrants and refugees and noted that the images of how many of his compatriots have been treated on the border with Mexico “have shocked a lot of people.”

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