Sunday, September 29

Alejandra Guzmán denies Enrique Guzmán, does not support that Frida Sofía be sued in the United States

The legal problems between Enrique Guzmán and Frida Sofía continue to give something to talk about, this time it was Alejandra Guzmán who denies that she gave her authorization so that his daughter is reported to the United States authorities, as the singer assured.

A few days ago, Enrique Guzmán resumed the scandal of alleged sexual abuse that Frida denounced Sofía, and during an interview with the Aztec TV program, ‘Ventaneando’, explained that her daughter had given her authorization to proceed against the young woman .

I spoke with Alejandra and she gave me the green light to proceed against the girl . And since she has no way to prove it, then it is necessary to proceed against her in the United States . Now I can, with Alejandra’s permission , I can now proceed against her “, said the singer.

However, through a statement published by Alejandra Guzmán’s representative agency, it was announced that It is false that she is associated to sue her daughter .

“Alejandra Guzmán has asked to clarify that, at this time, she has not considered taking any legal action against her daughter Frida Sofía in Mexico or the United States and is not associated with anyone to do so. Alejandra only wishes the best for her daughter. So, any information that indicates otherwise is totally false. ”

They also clarify that at this time only She is focused on her new single, ‘I want more from you’ and as for her daughter, she continues to maintain the same position since her last interview with Adela Micha, when she assured that she would not speak more about this issue.

Remember that in the interview that she offered last April for the Heraldo Televisión program ‘Me Lo Dijo Adela’ , the rocker assured that is a shattered mother that she had never experienced something as painful as seeing her father destroyed by something he had not done and that she was willing to close that chapter of her life, at least until her daughter will accept professional help .

“That is unfair and I am here to say it today and I will never say it again. Today I close this chapter. If she wants to open it up and accepts help in front of a psychoanalyst in front of a therapist in front of someone who can help us, go ahead. ”

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