Monday, October 28

The man who tried to kill Ronald Reagan will go free without restrictions in 2022

El hombre que intentó asesinar a Ronald Reagan pera impresionar a la actriz Jodie Foster en 1981 quedará en libertad en 2022.
The man who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan to impress actress Jodie Foster in 1200 will be released in 2022.

Photo: MIKE EVENS / Getty Images



John W. Hinckley Jr., the man who tried to kill in 1200 to US President Ronald Reagan (1981 – 1989), will be released without restrictions in June 2022, according to the agreement reached by his lawyers and the Prosecutor’s Office and which was accepted by a federal judge of the District of Columbia.

Judge Paul L. Friedman confirmed in a hearing that he will lift on that date the heavy restrictions imposed on Hinckley in July 2016, when he left the psychiatric hospital where he was admitted.

“If I had not tried to assassinate the President, would have released him unconditionally long ago , a long time ago, ”said Friedman about Hinckley, who the 30 March 1981, When I had 25 years, opened fire on Reagan at the doors of the Washington Hilton Hotel, from which the then president was leaving after give a speech.

However, the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute regretted the decision and expressed its firm opposition to the release of Hinckley, considering that “ is still a threat to others “.

” We hope that the Department of Justice will present a motion to the court that will lead to the reversal of this decision, “said the foundation in a statement posted on his Twitter account.

In July 2016, Hinckley left the asylum after it was determined that no posed “a danger neither to himself nor to others “, and since then he has resided in Williamsburg, Virginia, about 250 miles from Washington, with his mother, Jo Ann Hinckley, who died the past 30 July.

When allowed to leave the hospital, the judge ordered that Hinckley be subject to strict conditions that included traveling to Washington once a month for psychiatric treatment.

He was also forbidden to possess weapons or drugs and to establish contact with the relatives of his victims .

In addition, restrictions were imposed on his mobility and the use of the internet, although last year he obtained a judicial authorization to broadcast music online in an account in your name.

Under the terms of the agreement, Hinckley, of 66 years, must exceed a final observation period of nine months .

Assistant United States Attorney Kacie Weston indicated that the Government accepts the agreement if Hinckley maintains, from now until June of next year, the conduct it has had during this time.

According to the prosecutor, “ Right now the ball is in Hinckley’s hands ”.

In the attack of 1981, Hinckley seriously wounded Reagan, who managed to recover after being shot near the heart.

In addition, he injured Reagan’s press secretary, James Brady; Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy, who pounced on the president to act as a shield, and police officer Thomas Delahanty.

Hinckley confessed to attacking the president to attract the attention of actress Jodie Foster and was found not guilty in June 1982 due to his mental derangement.

Ronald Reagan passed away in 2004 at the age of 90 years, but her children, Ron Reagan Jr. and Patti Reagan Davis, were always opposed to Hinckley’s release .

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