Friday, October 4

Non-essential travel from the United States to Mexico and Canada will maintain restrictions until October 21

The US government Biden reported that it once again extended the restrictions on non-essential travel at the land borders with Canada and Mexico until 21 October. Despite the positioning of the Biden government, Canada began allowing the entry of fully vaccinated US citizens for non-essential travel.

The United States has closed its border crossings with Canada and Mexico since March 2020, despite the progress in vaccination, since a large percentage of citizens older than 18 already have with the complete scheme and are completely immunized.

The decision of the US government continues to affect the business class of the states that border Mexico and Canada, since these areas are characterized by living off the trade and this situation has caused millions in losses for local entrepreneurs, who have asked that the borders be opened for economic purposes.

The position of the United States government has been criticized by various actors in public life, since the fact that the Borders is a hard economic blow for the country on the northern and southern borders . For this reason, Elise Stefanik, president of the Republican Conference of the House of Representatives, criticized the position of the White House.

Elise Stefanik in an external public way that “it is time for this administration to make its work, so that North Country members can reunite with their families, tourism can resume and small businesses no longer have to suffer from the failure of this administration . ”

But the situation could be worse for the tourism industry, since in addition to border restrictions, Jeffrey Zients, White House counselor, announced that all foreign citizens traveling to The United States, starting in November, must be vaccinated.

Given the position that the White House is exercising, Marcelo Ebrard, head of Foreign Relations of the Mexican government, publicly stated that he will meet with US diplomatic authorities to discuss the announcement that all Visitors arriving from November must have the complete vaccination schedule .

In Mexico, various vaccines have been applied, which have not been recognized by the Biden administration, for this reason, Marcelo Ebrard said: “we hold that vaccines should be universally accepted, all those that the WHO has authorized or the regulatory bodies of each country; So, let’s talk about it ”.

Regarding the issue of closing the border, Ebrard commented that he vows that “now” in November the border can be opened in a generalized way, since in the part of economic activity Mexico is also being negatively affected.

You may also like: The border closure with Mexico is extended until mid-September: how it will impact the US economy