Monday, September 23

VIDEO: Ángela Aguilar would have insured her hair and it would be worth millions, says Martha Figueroa

The youngest daughter of Pepe Aguilar , Ángela , continues to advance in the world of music by leaps and bounds, and for this reason she has established herself as one of the great representatives of the Mexican regional genre, so pretty much everything she does steals spotlight in the entertainment industry, like her decision to insure her hair.

With only 17 years, the smallest of the Aguilar Dynasty has shown that it inherited the talent of the different generations of the Aguilar Dynasty since she has an enviable voice that places her among the favorites in the world of national music.

Although it is true that she began her career from an early age, this 2021 could be considered the year of the consolidation of Angela Aguilar rante all these months she has released several singles that place her among the most outstanding artists.

With themes such as “Actually”, “Tell me how you want” and “Where do they see me”, the young interpreter managed to get high among the most listened to in the different music applications, which makes it more than clear that its success is not the work of chance.

As if that were not enough, Ángela Aguilar is also a celebrity in the world of social networks because on Instagram alone she has more than 6 million followers, who have the opportunity to learn a little more about the young woman’s intimate life.

The so-called “La Princesa del Regional Mexicano” captured the attention of the media after several The show’s media reported that she made the decision to secure her beautiful hair, one of the most famous in the industry.

In the program “Con Permiso”, hosted by Martha Figueroa and Juan José Origel , the driver assured that Angela Aguilar decided to insure her hair. Also, it did trademark.

To the surprise of many, Martha Figueroa detailed that Pepe Aguilar’s daughter is quite careful with her hair, so she decided to insure it and not take any risk in the event of an accident when putting on makeup or any other activity.

The also collaborator of the program “Hoy” explained that this is the reason why Ángela Aguilar does not let anyone touch her hair, since being a brand Registered cannot modify or alter it.

It should be remembered that Ángela Aguilar has been characterized as a fashion lover; However, a few months ago she chose to keep her hair short, which is increasingly seen on fashion catwalks.