Tuesday, September 24

The day the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas stained the Mexican Independence party with blood

The Cartel de los Zetas (CDZ) and its then armed wing the Gulf Cartel (CDG) were identified as being behind one of the bloodiest attacks and that stained red the celebration of the Independence of Mexico on Wednesday 15 September 2008 in Morelia, capital of the state of Michoacán in Mexico.

That night the Mexicans witnessed what is considered one of the first narco-terrorist attacks. The then governor Leonel Godoy gave the “Cry of Independence” for the first time in the historic center of Morelia. At the end of the harangue, two explosions rocked the area.

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One was in the Melchor Ocampo square , on one side of the Cathedral of Morelia and in front of the Government Palace of Michoacán and the other at the intersection of Avenida Francisco I. Madero and Andrés Quintana Roo Street, on one side of the Parroquia de la Merced. The balance was eight dead and more than 100 injured.

After the events, narcomantas appeared signed by the Cartel de La Familia Michoacana (LFM) and Los Zetas, both separated themselves from the explosions.

Days later, the then Attorney General’s Office General of the Republic (PGR) presented three individuals identified as those responsible for throwing the grenades.
It was about Juan Carlos, Julio Cesar and Alfredo “N” who confessed to the authorities that they had participated in the attack.

According to investigations, protected witnesses identified them as members of the Gulf Cartel, which in turn depended on Los Zetas.

However, the journalist José Reveles in his book “The blackest stories of drug trafficking, impunity and corruption in Mexico”, published in April 2009, noted that The capture of the three detainees was after an “anonymous call” that located them in a building in the municipality of Apatzingán and that when the authorities arrived at the place, they found three subjects bound, blindfolded and with signs of torture.

The couples of the three detainees assured that they were “raised” days after the attack and even all filed a complaint for the disappearance of their husbands.

more than distance the day of the attacks, in the municipality of Lázaro Cárdenas. Thus to 13 years of the attacks there is no It is certain which cartel was behind them, since those arrested for what happened have already been released.

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