Sunday, September 22

The child care system is “impossible” for its workers, says the Treasury Department

Garantizar el cuidado infantil permitirá que los padres de familia puedan dedicarse sin problemas a su actividad laboral
Guaranteeing childcare will allow parents to dedicate themselves without problems to their work activity

Photo: Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia / Real America News

One of the issues that worries millions of working-class parents throughout the United States is related to child care, they lack access to it. The issue is crucial not only for tutors, but for companies and the government itself.

By months, in job creation reports Department of Labor, it has been said that one of the reasons that large numbers of Americans have not returned to the workforce has to do with the fact that do not have child care assistance .

The fact that families do not have this type of support reduces not only their personal finances due to the impossibility of being able to do a work activity, but also to employers and the government, since if there is no work they cannot raise funds via taxes .

It’s known that thanks to the money that receive the families benefiting from the Child Tax Credit It is invested in the issue of child care, but not everyone has that possibility due to the level of precariousness in which they find themselves and they prefer to use that money on food or payment of unpostponable bills.

The issue is not minor for government agencies, since the Treasury Department carried out a study where it determined that the child care system of the nation is “impossible” for a large section of the working class with less income. Quality care is out of reach for many families .

The federal agency detailed that many parents struggle financially to pay for child care, especially when the bills pile up. Furthermore, the study revealed that many workers receive low wages, suffer high turnover and face discrimination .

The situation faced by millions of workers has led the government of President Joe Biden to promote measures so that the federal administration provides resources to support to people who do not have enough money for child care, this is part of the Infrastructure Plan.

For this reason, the Treasury is defending the federal government’s support for paid family leave, universal preschool, and significant tax credits for parents and dependent care as Democrats in Congress work to draft a social spending bill that could total $ 3.5 trillion .

In the report, Catherine Wolfram, acting undersecretary of economic policy of the Treasury stated that the acces or childcare for millions of workers “is essential for the proper functioning of the economy.” Wolfram added that “having a well-functioning child care industry is good for working families. It is good for children. I would also emphasize that it is good for the rest of us. ”

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