Monday, September 23

Marco Rubio demands that the general who tried to stop Trump from starting a nuclear war be expelled

El general Mark Milley  en una rueda de prensa en el Pentágono el 21 de julio de 2021.
General Mark Milley at a press conference at the Pentagon on 21 July 2021.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images

Republican Senator Marco Rubio asked the President Joe Biden to fire the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, in a letter sent Tuesday, which he said was a revelation about a leak of classified information to China.

Rubio also criticized Milley for undermining the former president Donald Trump , communicating with China , without informing the former president, according to The Hill.

If Gen. Milley calling his Chinese counterpart was just a normal & regular communication then why are those calls now newsworthy?

If the account of those calls in a new book is accurate these calls were neither regular nor heroic.

They were treacherous and dangerous.

– Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) September 15, 2021

Revelations about the content of the book “Peril” by the Watergate journalist Bob Woodward and Robert Costa of The Washington Post, state that Milley called Chinese officials in the final weeks of Trump’s term to assure them that the United States was under control, despite the attack on the United States Capitol by a mob on 6 January of supporters of former President Donald Trump.

Two days after the January 6 to the Capitol, the president’s chief military adviser Donald Trump , the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff general Mark Milley , took secret measures to prevent Trump from order a dangerous military attack or launch nuclear weapons , according to the new book “Peril”.

I hope reports of Gen . Milley reaching out to his Chinese counterpart to undermine a sitting President is proven false

Because if this is true it wasn’t an act of patriotic heroism

It was an act of treachery that posed a grave risk to our security & our constitutional order

– Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) September 15, 2021

“I write with great concern regarding the Recent reports that General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, worked to actively undermine the acting commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces and contemplated a treacherous leak of classified information to the Communist Party Chinese before a possible armed conflict with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) ”, says Rubio in his letter.

“These actions by General Milley demonstrate a clear lack of judgment, and I urge you to fire him immediately,” he added.

Woodward and Costa write in their book that Milley, deeply concerned about the assault on the Capitol, “I was sure Trump had gone into serious mental decline after the election, with Trump now almost manic, yelling at officials and building his own alternate reality on endless conspiracies electoral “.

Rubio specifically referred to Milley’s report he told his counterpart in China : “You and I have known each other for five years. If we are going to attack, I will call them in advance. It will not be a surprise. ”

In the book“ Peril ”it is also said that Milley feared that Trump could“ become dishonest ”, according to CNN.

“General Milley has tried to rationalize his reckless behavior by arguing that what he perceived as the military’s judgment was more stable than his civil commander ”, said Rubio also in the letter. “It is a dangerous precedent that could be asserted at any time in the future by General Milley or others. It threatens to shatter our nation’s longstanding principle of civilian control of the military. ”