Sunday, September 22

'I do not wish anyone to get sick with covid', Héctor Barajas

Héctor Barajas, the deported veteran who, after several years of struggle, managed to return to the country and take the oath as a United States citizen, reportedly fell ill with covid – 19 and isolated in a hotel room in San Diego.

“I do not wish this on anyone. I had never felt this sick in my whole life, “he told La Opinion , in a telephone interview that constantly it was interrupted by the coughing spells of the ex-military, leader of the rights of deported veterans.

“I got vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson, and maybe if I hadn’t been vaccinated, I don’t know how I would be” , he acknowledges.

It was about a week ago when he started with the first symptoms of covid – 18 at his home in Tijuana, where he lives with his wife, the also activist Yolanda Varona.

“I started with a flu regular, but when I lost my sense of smell and the food didn’t taste like anything, I got worried. ”

He also felt without energy and the cough hit him very Lasted.

Héctor Barajas receives the Regeneron infusion against covid – 19. (Courtesy)

When he could regain his strength, he crossed the border and went straight to the Hospital Scripps of San Diego, where he was diagnosed with severe pneumonia and covid, and was given an injection of the drug Regeneron.

“Thank God they didn’t have to intubate me or put me into a coma,” he says

And since he had nowhere to stay in San Diego, a county program for covid patients, offered him a hotel room where he could quarantine himself. “I will remain isolated 14 days until my recovery ”.

They also provide you with all three meals and monitor your vital signs per day.

“ I preferred to stay here in San Diego so as not to expose my wife in Tijuana. ”

Hector Barajas, a leader in the fight for deported veterans, says the pandemic has been a wake-up call to take better care of their health . (Photo: file)

Decks of 44 year-old says that he still feels very weak, with a cough and trouble sleeping. His voice is agitated.

“I honestly didn’t think Covid was going to hit me. As I was already vaccinated, I neglected myself. I no longer followed the same care that I took at the beginning of the pandemic. I used to wear a mask, but sometimes in certain meetings, I would relax and take it off. ”

It is true, he says, that getting vaccinated and wearing masks can be very annoying, but getting sick is much worse.

When covid hits you, even talking becomes a heavy task ”.

Barajas says that falling victim to covid has made him think more about his Health.

“This disease has made me react and realize how I have neglected my health with bad habits, especially the diabetes that I have suffered for years. But not always, I will be young, and for the other, I may not run with the same luck. ”

She affirms that she wants to take advantage of the second opportunity that is being presented to her to make better decisions about Health. “The only thing I can tell you for now is, beware of covid!”

The risk of going to the hospital by covid it is bigger when you don’t get vaccinated. (Getty Images)

The unvaccinated fall more to the hospital

In Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Health Department reported 1,218 people hospitalized for covid – 18, a decrease of 225 people in relation to last week and 469 more than the last two weeks.

From August 28 , unvaccinated adults older than 50 years tend 17 more times, to be admitted to a hospital than vaccinated adults in that age range .

But they also reported than adult hospitalizations among the 18 and 49 years not vaccinated are 23 times more than those of those immunized of the same ages. “Hospitalization rates among vaccinated adults remain very low.”

Los Angeles County Public Health Director , Bárbara Ferrer, said that of the 10. 3 million Los Angeles residents, including those ineligible for get vaccinated, 57% are fully vaccinated.

“This is not enough to prevent the covid outbreaks from continuing. We need to increase coverage to avoid these cycles of tremendous contagion. ”

He added that while efforts to facilitate access and build trust in vaccines continue, they hope to see an increase in the number of vaccinated in the next weeks.

To find a vaccination site near your residence and schedule an appointment, visit the site: (English ) and (Spanish).

If you do not have Internet access, you cannot use a computer or you have more than 65 years, call 1 – 833 – 540 – 0473 for help finding an appointment, connecting to free transportation to and from a vaccination site, or schedule a visit home address, if you are not at home.