Sunday, September 22

Covid: in the vaccination lottery, Miami employee earns a year's salary for having been vaccinated

Se ganó un año de salario por estar vacunada.
Earned a year’s salary for being vaccinated.

Photo: JOSEPH PREZIOSO / AFP via Getty Images). / AFP / Getty Images

A woman residing in the city of Miami and of Nicaraguan origin, participated in a kind of “vaccine lottery”, when the company she works for launched the contest “Million Dollar Move the Needle Sweepstakes”, in order to reward 10 of your employees who will be vaccinated with the 100% of the corresponding dose.

Sophia Barrios, Leidos worker, was vaccinated but not because of the contest but because she truly believes that the vaccine will protect her from the terrible consequences that she could have if she catches Covid – 19. What you didn’t know is that your decision would significantly improve your income for the remainder of the year.

The Leidos company allocated $ 1 million of its budget to encourage its employees to get vaccinated. And the prize was the payment of a full year of salary and the Participation was as simple as showing proof of vaccination.

The Virginia-based company has stated that it has lost many of its employees to the virus. And since they are about to return to face-to-face work, they have focused on preventing their work facilities from becoming a center for the spread of the virus.

It seems that those who have the upper hand, so far, are the vaccinated; But Barrios, who works for a Leidos subsidiary, can already feel like a winner. Apparently, the prize is enough for him to invest in a property in the town where he resides, although the exact amount is unknown.

“I am going to use a part of the money to buy me a house in Florida and another to help my family, “he told the local newspaper” El Nuevo Herald. “

The young winner said that she is sensitive to the issue because she worked with veterans and the disabled and also, personally, her family had to live closely with the Covid contagion – 19.

For another On the other hand, the economic consequences of the pandemic, like everyone else, affected him. Therefore, Barrios assures that a part of the money earned will be sent to his relatives most affected by the economic crisis, he said.

Leidos is not the First, not the only company that offers incentives for citizens to get vaccinated. There are multiple companies, institutions and organizers that offer if it can be called a “reward” or “benefit” if you show that you were vaccinated.

Although these incentives can be seen as positive and beneficial, There is also the negative side of those who want to obtain reward and benefits without being vaccinated, but decide to falsify the vaccination certificates.

Earlier this month, a woman from New Jersey, along with 14 more people were accused of belonging to a network of scammers to falsify and sell proof of vaccination against Covid – 19.