Sunday, September 29

Vicente Fernández's current state of health reveals that he has no mobility in his limbs

After 38 days after being admitted to the hospital Country 2000 from Guadalajara, Jalisco, the great Vicente Fernández remains in the intensive care area and with absent peripheral mobility .

Although it was expected that the information An update on the health status of “Charro de Huentitán” was shared last Monday, it was this 14 of September when the medical report was released, where it was confirmed that he already presented noticeable changes in his neurological state.

Don Vicente Fernández continues in the intensive care area for the type of care it requires. In general, it has remained stable with noticeable changes in its neurological state, its evolution has been slow, but it has remained with a very slight tendency towards improvement.

In the statement that was shared through social networks, they detailed that the respiratory status with tracheostomy in spontaneous mode continues to work progressively after it was removed mechanical support.

“Inflammation of your airways secondary to the association of assisted ventilation in descent.”

They also confirmed that he remains without serious infections and continues to tolerate adequately feeding through gastrostomy tube that was placed last 30 August , however, swallowing is still altered .

Another aspect that drew attention was that , so far, the icon ico Mexican interpreter remains without regaining mobility in the extremities , a state in which he entered the hospital on August 6 derived from a spectacular fall that he suffered at home, and for which he had serious fractures at the nape of the neck.

“Mobility peripheral absent. He continues physical rehabilitation, he sits in a recliner. ”

This is how the Fernández Abarca family and the medical team that treats the singer, thanked the public for the interest and the expressions of affection that they have sent him after the unfortunate accident he suffered, also reiterated that the medical information will only be presented through their social networks and with the prior consent of the family.

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