Sunday, September 29

Lety Calderón reveals that she finally managed to vaccinate her children in the United States

Leticia Calderón denounced last May that the authorities had repeatedly denied her children’s passports , which is why he had to postpone a trip to the United States to vaccinate them , but after several months he finally managed to get his children received the first dose of Covid vaccine – 19.

The star of ‘Empire of lies’ and ‘Bachelor with daughters’ was captured at the Mexico City International Airport accompanied by her two sons, Luciano and Carlo, with whom she was arriving of a flight from the United States, a country to which they traveled to receive the first dose of the vaccine against the virus that has claimed millions of lives around the world and from which unfortunately the The actress’s father was also a victim at the beginning of 2021.

“It was the main thing, that he gets vaccinated ran, so that they can already go to face-to-face school. The second (dose) is still missing, so we have to go back ”.

Before the representatives of various media, Calderón reiterated that Juan Collado , the father of her children, always agreed to give her the necessary permits so that she could travel, but they had some problems with the authorization document that she had to sign from the North prison in Mexico City.

“It was something from which there was no power of attorney , and then the notary could not go, but Juan was always there in the disposition to give us the power ”, he specified.

And due to the fact that the lawyer has been in prison for more than 2 years, the actress confirmed that He would have no problem taking his children to see their father to the prison, although he stressed that it is not so easy.

“Of course !, of course !, I have always been in the best disposition to take them when he asks me. Suddenly they talk on the phone because it is not so easy I think. ”

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